4- The Hunt Begins

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     Germany was tasked by EU and Russia to keep an eye on America while they went home, she didn't mind because she had a lot of work to do anyway. She moved her stuff to a desk near the room where America was in and did her work. America was surprisingly chill the whole night, there were a few times when he screamed the lyrics to 'Party in the USA' which annoyed Germany. But she didn't care too much, as long as America didn't try to get out, she'd put up with the annoying country. America didn't mind being watched either, not like he's going to sleep tonight anyway.


=7:30 and ECPD=


     Russia walked inside to see Germany drinking coffee and doing work, and America snapping his fingers in a rhythm that sounded suspiciously like 'The Star-Spangled Banner'. Russia also noticed that Finland was leaning against the glass of America's room and looking at the ceiling. Vietnam and Kazakhstan don't seem to be there yet, so they can't go and look for the rest of Emahtron. Checking on Germany is probably a good idea though, she stayed up all night doing work and putting up with America's annoying personality.

    After another half hour, Kazakhstan and Vietnam showed up. America, being bored and sleep deprived, decided to see how many times he could spin before he got so dizzy, he'd fall over; making everyone, even Germany, look at America in confusion. Vietnam and Finland eventually just shrugged it off and told themselves it was just an idiot being an idiot. They aren't wrong, America can be an idiot, but he's also not an idiot and can actually be a genius when he wants to be... which is almost never. When America finally fell over, he blinked a lot, since the room was spinning so much. "Ow..." America mumbled; the room spun so much it made his eyes hurt.

     Russia, Germany, and Kazakhstan just stood there watching America trying to stand up and falling over. Germany and Russia found it really funny, Kazakhstan was just really concerned. After five minutes of America stumbling around his room and cursing, Russia and the others, except Germany, walked in to talk. America, still being busy, had to blink every now and then to keep himself from falling over or stumbling. The others looked at each other trying to figure out what to say, to get America to help them find his friends.

     "United States," Russia said sternly, reminding America of an angry mother, "you're going to help us find your friends and your hideouts, and if you don't, I'm going to fucking make sure you regret it," Kazakhstan looked nervous, since he's not used to seeing Russia being so violent and threatening towards anyone. America smiled and laughed, "Oh? And what makes you think you'll make me regret it?" He asked Russia, "You don't know anything about me, isn't that, right?" Russia's hands turned into clenched fists; Finland had an icy cold glare looking at America.

     "We might not know everything about you," Vietnam said, stepping forward, "But we do have other ways of making you regret it," Everyone knew that Vietnam was bluffing, well except America who pretended he knew it was a bluff even though he believed Vietnam. Finland had an idea, he walked up to America and looked down at him. "We're going to find your friends one way or another, United States," Finland said threateningly, "and when we do find them, we can make sure they get the worst punishment for their crimes," Russia didn't like where this was going but nodded, to pretend he agreed with Finland.

     The threat Finland made, made America falter in his confidence. If he helped, would his friends be better off? Or was Finland just lying to make America help them? America averted his gaze to the side and thought for a moment. "If you do catch them, with my help, can you promise me that they won't die, because I know that's normally what would happen," America spoke softly, still not looking at Finland or any other person in the group. Finland looked back at Russia, who nodded, Finland's threat might actually work, even if it is a bit much.

     "Fine," Finland said, stepping back and keeping a neutral expression on his face, "You help us, and we promise to make sure your friends won't get the death penalty," America sighed and had a small smile on his face. "So, when do we start?" America asked, "And am I coming with you, or am I just givin' info and staying here?" Russia rolled his eyes. "You're coming with us and giving info, United States," Russia said, then pointed at the door, "Well, we gotta go," America nodded, still smiling and followed the group out the door.

     The group all got in Russia's car, which just barely had enough room, and Russia looked back at America. "So, give us a general location to start looking, since I know you're not just going to straight up tell us," Russia said with a slightly annoyed face, he doesn't want to have to rely on a killer for information. "Latimerica is the nearest area with one hideout. They're probably there," America smiled. Russia nodded and started to drive to Latimerica. "So, United States-" Finland tried to say, but got cut off by America. "Call me America, or Ame, or Meri, or Rica," America said, still smiling. "Does this guy ever stop smiling?" Finland thought to himself, already annoyed by America's personality. "Whatever- America, what's your power?" Finland asked, finally able to ask.

     "Well, I can make illusions," America said, while opening a hand and two holographic looking koi fish, swimming in a circle. Kazakhstan looked at the small, pinky-sized, koi fish swim in imaginary water. "Cool right?" America smirked and closed his hand and the illusion dissipated. Kazakhstan nodded, he thought that it's cool that America had a useful ability. Kazakhstan always thought that his power was useless, sure he can fly, but glowing wings aren't really useful unless you need a nightlight in the dark.


=Latimerica Hideout=


     It's been a whole day since Emahtron got to their first hideout. But they know that they'll have to get out of Latimerica as soon as possible. Canada's been a little off since America got caught, and Mexico just wanted to punch that sniper that shot one of his wings. Greenland was pretty chill, she just wanted things to go back to the way they were, which probably won't happen. Mexico and Mr. Lima have been talking about future jobs for when America gets back. Canada didn't do much other than play solitaire by himself, Greenland tried to play Uno with Canada but he refused.

     Greenland was about to go upstairs for a quick snack but heard Canada and Mr. Lima arguing over something. "-You don't understand Peru, we need Rica!" Canada yelled angrily, making Greenland hide behind the corner; totally not to eavesdrop on the argument. "Canada, listen. America probably isn't going to return," Peru said calmly, but there was an annoyed tone behind it. "No, No! Peru! He's the backbone of our team!" Canada growled, and Greenland heard a 'smack' sound, then an eerie silence.

     "Canada-" Peru said desperately, but not before Canada interrupted, "No. I'm done listening to your bullshit," Canada started to walk away, and Greenland panicked. She saw the bathroom door open in the hall and ran into it and closed the door. She waited until she heard Canadas footsteps fade, and when he slammed the door to his and Mexico's room. Greenland cautiously peeked out the bathroom door and stepped out. Then she walked upstairs to grab a quick snack, since Peru almost always had some sort of Peruvian snack out when Emahtron visited.

     "Hey Mr. Lima," Greenland said as she grabbed an anticucho from the dining table. Peru looked at her and nodded, before walking off and into his office where he did his work. Greenland didn't know what made Canada so mad, since he almost never walks out on an argument like that. He's never refused to hear out an apology, other than the few times when he secretly worked with the Allies in both World Wars... actually America also worked behind the scenes during the World Wars.


Does anyone here listen to Connor Price?

Fun Fact:

     Peru's job is watching over the export of Ores, Slag, and Ash. Somehow it pays him well, he gets at least $19.2 Billion USD a year because of it. He also has a hyper fixation on gems and precious metals, hand him a chunk of snowflake obsidian and he'll look at it for at least an hour and a half without a break.

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