19- Fun and Games

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     Russia walked over to Finland, hoping to have a civil conversation without it ending in an argument. Not knowing how to start a conversation with someone who hated Russia, for an obvious but stupid reason, Russia took his time walking over. Procrastinating by pretending to look out the windows for a few seconds.

     When Russia did get over to Finland, he was nervous, but hid it well. "So... Finland, what's that book about?" Russia asked, pointing to the book that Finland was reading. Finland looked up from his book and looked up at Russia.

     "This? Oh... it's pretty boring, it's about the Silk Road," Finland replied, so far without much hostility in his voice. Russia nodded, that did seem pretty boring.

     "Well... that is actually really boring..." Russia commented, thinking out loud, "But we should... probably try not to fight as much. Yeah?" Russia suggested, trying to keep his nervousness under control.

     Finland looked back down at his book and nodded, "Sure... just, don't expect my whole personality to change just because we're trying to get along," Finland remarked before continuing. his reading.

     "Alright... I wasn't expecting it to change anyway," Russia replied, "I'm going to go play Uno, have fun reading that impossibly boring book."

     Russia walked over to the corner, where Mexico, Canada, and America were playing a ridiculously intense game of Uno. All three of the idiots had determined faces, looking at their cards intensely, planning revenge and victory. To Russia, it was a little stupid, but it's Uno.

     Russia stood there and waited until they finished their game, since asking to join in the middle of a game is only something an idiot would do. With the way Canada and Mexico were glaring at America, it's probably America's turn. He was also taking his time deciding what card to play.

     As soon as the game ended, and as soon as Mexico stopped hitting America with his tail for winning, Russia asked, "Could I play a few games of Uno with you guys?" They all nodded. Russia sat down in between Mexico and America. Canada shuffled the cards, then dealed out the cards.

     "Alright, America goes first," Canada said, smiling. America looked at Canada with narrowed eyes. Then America saw that the starting card was a red 1. America set down a red 4 and now it's Russia's turn. Russia looked at his hand, then at the red 4.

     Russia put down a green 4, and Mexico frowned and drew a card. Canada smiled and put down a green draw two card, America looked at Canada and smiled back, putting a yellow draw two card. Russia looked at Canada and America with an expression that said "Really?" Then he drew four cards.

     After going around a few times, Russia called out "UNO!" and Mexico, America, and Canada all looked at each other and nodded. They're teaming up against Russia. But Russia, being Russia, didn't think much of it. Until the army of draw 2's, reverses, skips, wilds, and wild draw 4's attacked him each time it was his turn.

     These guys take their Uno seriously, but somehow Russia's been able to keep his hand under 4 cards. It's a miracle... until America happened. Russia looked at the wild draw 4 on top of the pile, he glanced at his hand and didn't have anything to add to it.

     "Damn..." Russia muttered, as he drew four cards, America smiled innocently, like he wasn't the reason why Russia's hand suddenly had 8 cards.

"Oh, also, the color is yellow," America added, almost forgetting that detail. Russia glared at America, and he just smiled back.

     "And I though Finland, Vietnam, and Kazakhstan took Uno seriously..." Russia muttered as Mexico but down a yellow skip, which made it America's turn. America put down a green skip, which skipped Russia and brought America's total cards to 1.

     "UNO!" America shouted excitedly, which made even Finland glance up from his book. Mexico, Canada, and Russia groaned in defeat, there's no stopping America now. Mexico drew a card, since he didn't have any green. Then Canada put down a green 8... and America won by slapping down a blue 8 on top.

     "YES! I WIN!" America declared.

     "No, Perry the platypus won. WHO ELSE HAS ZERO CARDS AMERI!" Mexico yelled, the first part being sarcastic, and the last part being Mexico hitting Americ with his tail again. America laughed, glad that he won twice in a row. For some reason, America's smile almost made Russia smile... that's weird.

     Canada sighed, "So, another game of Uno?" He asked, everyone nodded. He shuffled the cards and dealed the cards out again, this time Mexico's going first.

     After a few more rounds of Uno, the four decided to play a different game. So, America went to Antarctica, who's still cuddling with Greenland, and asked if there were any board games he has. Antarctica nodded and pointed to the storage closet next to the bathroom. America smiled and went to the closet (where he and Russia live) and grabbed Monopoly.

     "Who's up for some Monopoly?" America asked, walking back to the corner with Monopoly in his hands.

     "Oh no... welp, we're dead," Mexico said nonchalantly, as he took the T-Rex piece. Canada shrugged and took the tophat, while America took the boat, and Russia took the cat.


=Dinner timeee (I <3 food)=


     Just as the game of Monopoly was about to end, Antarctica and Greenland yelled that it was dinner time. Everyone stopped what they were doing and went to take a seat at the table. As soon as the food, salmon as usual it's just something different each time, was out on the table everyone started to take the food and eat.

     Dinner is probably the only time when everyone in the group of 9 can get together and talk. No fights over something important, though there have been a few debates of all sorts of things. The first night, America brought up hot dogs being a sandwich... then all hell broke loose.

      Tonight, there weren't any stupid arguments. It was just happy talking, eating, and existing. But, as always, it had to be ruined by something. The something is America and the air having another discussion... just, at the dinner table this time.

     America froze when he saw the figure standing next to Russia, who sat at the butt of the table, since America always sits at the head of the table. And if a table has a head, it has a butt. Everyone didn't notice America's sudden pause in activity, except Russia. Probably because America is staring right behind him fearfully.

     America blinked and stood up, pretending that he was done, "Dude, your cooking is great Anty, anyway, Ima head to bed. See you guys tomorrow," America said, putting his dishes away by the sink in the kitchen, then walking back into his room. Russia knew he was going to have another talk with the air, so he figured he'll check on America later.

     "Huh... that was weird, even for Ameri," Mexico said, a little surprised, "He always finishes Antarctica's salmon until there's nothing left... but he left some salmon on his plate." The others shrugged. This is America they're talking about, he's probably the most random person ever to exist.


     I'm going to post the info on my next project at 4:30 PM MDT. So, if you're interested it's called "The Poets Legacy", so that's just if you're interested. Also, TAIWAN! My dad's birthplace, I'm sad tho, a few of my friends are in Taiwan for a program for the week... The worst part is that I actually have family in Taipei, sadness :'D

Fun Fact:

     Vietnam's not really going to be bothered by their blurry vision when they use their ability. Because their power's drawback takes away their vision entirely while it's in use. So, if Vietnam's going to use their power and be all silent and stuff, it takes away their vision until they deactivate their ability. If you want too, you can imagine Vietnam with a blindfold, I'm still debating whether or not I want to add the blindfold...

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