23- Vroooooooooooom

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     It's noon, the next day, and everyone in Emahtron is prepared and ready to go kick Polish ass. (No offense to the Poles) America had his backpack of chaotic and strange weapons. Some weapons being:

-VERY old snickers bar

-Hot pink Swiss army knife

-Hard-cover dictionary


-Tortilla blanket

-Recorder (the instrument... if it can even be called that)


     Those choice weapons of America's confused the officers, while Emahtron acted like it was normal. Mexico carried different antivenoms', bandages, and other medical supplies with him in his own bag, which he carried with his tail. Canada carried all of the "real" weapons like guns, an axe, knives, a taser, rope, and pepper spray even.

     The officers didn't ask questions, this is Emahtron they're talking about. Of course they've got a bunch of stuff like that lying around. The officers just had the resources they carried on their uniform. Antarctica didn't carry anything; he just had his bag of things he thinks he'll need.

     Greenland, however, has food, extra clothes, games, and money stashed in her bag. Finland thought that Greenland was the only normal one, well, other than Canada who wasn't as stupid as America. Now that Finland thinks about it, America's the only idiot in Emahtron, everyone else is smart, quiet, and/or patient.

     They all got in their cars after eating a quick lunch. Canada, America, Russia, and Finland are all in the police car, that the officers drove in for practically a whole week. While Greenland, Antarctica, Mexico, Kazakhstan, and Vietnam are in America's car, that Mexico took during Emahtron's escape when the officers first found them.

     Finland was driving the police car, and Mexico was driving America's car. Mexico drove in front of Finland, since he knows where to go, especially faster... and no, it's not an illegal way. But Finland spent the whole first hour in the car talking and rambling on and on about how stupid and idiotic Emahtron is, especially America. Finland practically forgot America and Canada were there.

     Eventually, America had enough of Finland's talking. "Shut up, for god's sake!" America yelled, a very clear annoyed expression on his face, "Literally NO ONE cares about what you think of me, Canada, Greenland, Mexico, or Antarctica!"

     Canada just leaned back in his seat, watching America and Finland. Russia sighed and tried to ignore the two arguing countries.

    "You're just a heartless bitch!" America yelled at Finland, and Finland retaliated.

"At least I'm a bitch on the legal side of the world!"

"Oh yeah!? Well, you're a soggy biscut!" America insulted, and the insulting continued for a while. America and Finland trading insults, Finland being logical, and America just calling Finland ridiculous names.

"Oh shut up you unrecycled water bottle!"

"How about you keep quiet?! I could fucking arrest you y'know!"

"So what, ya wilting flower!"

"At least flowers are pretty!"

"Oh, then maybe I should say dehydrated cactus!"

     Soon enough, Russia was also fed up with the yelling, insults, and just overall noise in the car.

"Enough! Both of you little shitheads!" Russia yelled angrily, making Canada wish he had popcorn to eat while he watched, "Finland, focus on driving and quit aggravating America." Russia then shot a glare at America, "And you stop giving Finland more of a reason to yell at you."

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