25- Plan, Plan, and Plan

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     It's been a day since everyone got to where they either lived or were staying for a little while. Noon is slowly approaching, and Russia was already it the hotel room, the one with America, Greenland, and Antarctica to be exact. Antarctica and Greenland were having a discussion... on their next date.

     America was just lying on his bed, reading a book on the evolution of weapons throughout the whole world. Russia stood next to the door awkwardly, not knowing what to do. Because he clearly can't join Antarctica's and Greenland's date planning. But he doesn't exactly want to talk to America either.

     If he talked to America, he'd either be a jerk, or a stuttering mess. America seems absorbed in his reading anyway... Russia doesn't want to interrupt something that America's enjoying. So, Russia just watched America read... which was probably concerning, but it made Russia a little happy.

     America knew that Russia was watching him, he just ignored it. But the more Russia watched, the more awkward America felt. What did Russia even want? Like, watching someone for so long is creepy. This is coming from America too, the one who's killed plenty of people and has seen weird things.

     But... A little part of America is happy that Russia's watching him so much. Not for any reason though, which confused America. Enjoying something so random without a reason? That's just plain weird, right? Then again, America leads a whole team of weird people.

     America, a smart guy who plays dumb. Greenland, who has a weird obsession with Antarctica. Mexico, who keeps to himself and is a surprisingly boring person with a not at all boring culture. Canada who's nice on the surface, but a devil underneath. Antarctica, who was an ex-criminal known for his capers and the amount of people he could hurt in the blink of an eye.

     Now America's friends with even more weirdos. Russia, some person who knows USSR and acts weird around America. Finland, who has a lot of hate directed at Emahtron, even though no one but him knows why. Vietnam, who's scary quiet and easily forgotten. Then there's Kazakhstan, who's basically Canada but on the lawful side and without a scary personality hidden.

     It's like America's a weirdo magnet. That's only the people though, the things that America's done and seen can rival the weirdo-level of his friends. He's eaten ketchup with mac & cheese, he's watched Canada use a hockey stick like a guitar, Mexico shaking his rattlesnake tail like a maraca, and Greenland run into walls just for the hell of it.

     Time passed, and now it's noon. Finland is there right on time, with Kazakhstan, Vietnam, Mexico, and Canada being a minute late. They were late mainly they lost track of time and were distracted. It made Finland a little mad, but hey, not everyone is as on time as him. As soon as everyone was in the room, they started to discuss their plan.

     "Okay," America started, "So, we gotta stop Poland from... whatever his plan is." Everyone nodded, all of them knowing that this was big... really, really big.

     "We already know that UK is likely on our side," America added, then he looked over at Russia. Russia was a little surprised but decided to pick up on America's planning.

      "Yes, EU told me that UK will help, when I reported yesterday." Russia nodded, "But we still need to get into the Military Subdivision of the UN HQ."

     Antarctica tilted his head, he's never heard a plan as risky as this, and it intrigued him. Greenland was hugging Antarctica, clearly distracted, but she got the main idea of everything.

"The Military Subdivision is built like a maze," Finland continued, "Every hallway looks the same, I would know, I used to work there for a small amount of time."

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