22- Eclipse

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     It's almost been a week since EU sent Russia, Finland, Kazakhstan, and Vietnam to hunt down Emahtron. Yet, he hasn't heard a word back since Germany called Russia to tell him about the hideout near Mr. Lima's home. Something is wrong, oh so very wrong. Well... that's what EU thought, as he sat in his office thinking and looking like he hadn't slept since his-and ASEAN's- Officer's left latimerica.

     EU decided to call Germany, she almost always has ideas for almost everything. Hell, her suggestions for interrogations are terrifying... Though, that could be her pasts influence on her present self.

     "Germany!" EU called, not bothering to stand up from his seat and open the door, just shouting. Soon enough, Germany's light and quick footsteps were near the door to EU's office. When the door opened, Germany stood there, with two cups of coffee in one hand. Clearly meant for herself, both of them.

     "Yes EU?" Germany asked him, wondering what she needed to do now. She took a sip of one of her coffee cups and looked at EU curiously.

     "Do you think you could check up on Russia and his group?" EU asked, clasping his hands together on the table, "We haven't heard from them since the Latimerica incident." Germany nodded, then left to go do what she was asked to.

     EU sighed and watched as Germany scurried down the hall, forgetting to close the door to his office. Actually... EU could use a short break, or at least a distraction from Emahtron and his officers... Maybe he could... no... well, it would certainly distract him. But why would he, in his right mind, go and visit her?!

     EU stood up and walked out of the door, closing it behind him. Then sighed, of course he's going to visit her. He's going to regret this later, and he knows it, but he needs a distraction more than he needs to keep worrying. Because if he does keep worrying, it's all just going to get worse.

     "Germany, I'm going to the Central City for a little while. I'll be back tomorrow." EU told Germany, as he passed her office, Germany looked up from her phone and nodded, then went back to trying to get a hold of Russia.

     "Don't let her kill you!" Germany replied, as EU walked down the hall, "Also, don't kill her either!"

     EU sighed, finally walking out the door. He walked to his car and got in, then he started driving to the Central City. He was really doing this; he's really going to see her. Either she's going to rip his head off at first sight, or she'll let him join her for teatime then rip off his head.


=Military Subdivision, UN headquarters=


     UK sat at her desk, as usual, and reading a book, since she had nothing better to do. When she heard a knock at her office door, she calmly closed the book. She sat up straighter, fixing her posture and looking down at her desk to check for any disorganized documents or anything similar.

     "Come in," UK calmly said, the door opened, and a human poked her head through the door. 

     The human had dark brown hair, tan skin, brown and almond shaped eyes. She also had her hair in a low ponytail, the left side of her head having bangs -and some of the hair near her ear- fall just at the corner of her left eye. She had a pair of headphones around her neck and had a bored and empty look in her eyes. Her messenger uniform was altered to look more casual, but still recognizable... why must a human do such a thing to a perfectly good uniform?

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