29- Unofficial Investigation

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     Finland led the way to UK's office, since the girl from earlier ran away. America and Russia following close behind, Mexico and Kazakhstan stayed behind Russia and America. Russia kept glancing at America, who was glaring at the ground as they walked.

     "Hey... America?" Russia asked, "How did you... Why do you not care? You just killed someone, someone you knew to add to that," America just sighed and folded his arms.

     "I've killed people before... you just learn to forget," America replied coldly, "It's nothing new to me, I've learned to accept it," Russia's eyes widened. How could America be so... so calm about it?!

     "America, that doesn't explain anythi-"

     "Just shut up Russia!" America snapped at Russia, speeding up his pace and walking right next to Finland. Russia was about to argue with America, but felt a hand grab his shoulder from behind. When Russia turned around, he saw Mexico, and Mexico shook his head.

     "Don't... let him have some space," Mexico advised Russia quietly, Russia looked back at America and sighed. Russia nodded and continued walking, Mexico walking next to Russia and Kazakhstan walking in the back.

     Russia thought about two things, the memory he was trapped in, and America. USSR... Soviet, was Russia's father. It explains why Finland was always hostile towards him after they met. But... how did Finland know? Unless Finland just thought that Russia looked similar and connected the dots.

     But... who were the other kids? There were around 15 of them... and that girl, the one with the wavy, blue, and white choker... who is she? Who are the others? Actually... Latvia looked similar to the girl in that memory.

      He's met Latvia once or twice; she works at a library. She had the same choker, though, he never saw her wear it as a choker. She usually wore it more as a bracelet. Latvia's close to Estonia... or, at least she was, until Estonia was mysteriously killed. It was eventually put away, since no one could figure it out.

     Estonia was shot, but there wasn't a single bullet near the crime scene or its surrounding areas. She was shot in her left shoulder, so she had a possibility of surviving that... but the fall, that's what killed her. It was eerily similar to Quin Janeson's death... Russia hasn't asked anyone in Emahtron who killed Ms. Janeson anyway... he should do that.

     Russia turned his head to look at Mexico, "Mexico, who killed Quin Janeson on Europiya Tower?" He asked, Mexico looked up at Russia and shrugged.

     "Dunno, Greenland and America were at the top of the tower together," Mexico said quietly, knowing that America hearing Greenland's name would piss him off, "America never talks about who he's killed, but Greenland... she seemed unsettlingly happy when they returned,"

     Russia's eyes narrowed, "Thank you... That's... somewhat helpful," Russia thanked the Mexican. Mexico nods and turns his attention to where he's walking, and somewhat admiring the maze-like halls of the Military Subdivision of the UN HQ.

     So, Greenland seemed happy when she returned from the murder of Quin Janeson, unsettlingly happy according to Mexico. Estonia fell down 15 stories after being shot in the shoulder... did Greenland kill Ms. Janeson?

     Russia wouldn't put it past Greenland, especially after learning what she did. Greenland is a ruthless, backstabbing, manipulative girl who'll do anything for power. Or at least, it seems that way. But who is Greenland's boss? She mentioned one... but who? Poland, possibly?

     Wait... Estonia was close to Lithuania, Armenia, and Georgia. They were a close-knit friend group. Sticking to each other like superglue, well... until Finland became friends with Estonia. Estonia spent less time with the others... At least, that's what Russia's guessing.

     Russia's met Lithuania, Armenia, and Georgia before, once while I was shopping for a coat. The trio was so giggly it was unnerving. But they also talked about Estonia a lot, and they didn't bother to keep their voices low, so he heard quite a bit of their conversation.

     They all talked about how much they missed Estonia, even after all the years that have passed after her death. All of them thought that the police didn't try hard enough to learn what happened. Armenia even said that she didn't like how easily the police gave up on Estonia's sudden and mysterious death. Georgia complained about how there had to be more to Estonia's death, and that the police didn't even try.

     Though, Russia would admit, the police could have put more effort into the case. People don't die like that mysteriously every day. Finland probably felt the same. But neither could spend all their time thinking about Estonia and her death.

     Finland was thinking too, also about the memory he was trapped in. He learned so much... too much for him to handle. Estonia wasn't just killed by some mysterious killer... she was killed by Greenland, who America trusted so much.

     It pissed Finland off how much America trusted Greenland. America trusted Greenland so much, and she was a murderer underneath. How could America not have known about that?! Estonia's death could have been avenged if only America killed Greenland when he had the chance.

      America would have had to know about that, right? Emahtron told each other practically everything, so of course America would know. Antarctica knew! Why didn't Antarctica kill Greenland? Oh, right, because he too is a cold-hearted killer! This is all Antarctica's and America's fault.

     That's what Finland thought. But he wasn't all wrong, he has a right to be so pissed off. Greenland killed Estonia, the woman that Finland loved. Antarctica was there, but he didn't stop Greenland, he helped the red and white monster!

     When America started walking next to Finland, Finland had to prevent himself from punching America square in the face. It would only be a fraction of the pain of all the people that man has killed. Hell, no one knows how many America's killed. For all the authorities know, America could've killed people, but they just haven't been discovered yet. That thought only pissed Finland off more.

     Then Finland stopped in front of a door. It looked different from the other doors, as it led into General UK's office. Finland didn't even bother to knock, he just opened the door and stepped inside. America followed behind him, Russia, Mexico, and Kazakhstan following behind America.

     UK was startled by the sudden click of her door opening. She turned around and threw a hand out towards the intruders, as her other hand was holding a teacup, and put on of the intruders to sleep. When she realized who entered, she relaxed ever so slightly and sat down at her desk, steepling her fingers.


     Welp, we're almost at 30 chapters.

Who did UK put to sleep?

What tea do you think UK was drinking?

Will Russia ever learn the identities of his 14 siblings?

Fun Fact:

The Treaty of Versailles was signed on the 28th of June, 1919. June 28th is my birthday! In 14 days we can all celebrate 2 things:

The end of WWI and my birthday! Weeeeee!

(I kinda wanna do a Q&A thing, sooo... questions here will be answered... if they're actually something I wanna share. But you can pretty much ask anything you want, lmk if you want me to put your name there for credit or something.)

Real Fun Fact:

     Estonia, Lithuania, Armenia, and Georgia were all besties for a lot of reasons, but they thought that the fact that all their names end with an "ia" was funny. Estonia usually wasn't one for jokes or ridiculous nicknames. But she liked to call their group "The Bestia's"

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