13- The Twist

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     The officers, still shaken and mildly terrified, were still driving along the road. Then they came to a fork in the road... which was odd, since there was supposed to only be one road. Vietnam's eyes narrowed as they slowed the car to a stop.

     "Hey... Russia, how far east are we? And... was there always two roads here?" Vietnam asked, rotating their head to see Russia. Russia's brows furrowed and he leaned towards the middle of the two front seats, to see out the main window.

     "No... There's never been a road there, and... I used to come here all the time..." Russia replied, cautious of the sudden road... yet, it seemed oddly inviting. Like, there was an alluring look to it, the snow seemed whiter, it shimmered like shattered glass at noon. "Let's... Let's take the road that wasn't here before..." Russia said, almost entranced by the road.

     Vietnam slowly nodded, looking at Russia concerned, then they turned their head around and started to drive again; turning left and taking the road that seemed to magically appear. Finland looked at Russia through the corners of his eyes... and something seemed off about this place, but in a good way.

     Finland shook his head and leaned back in his seat, trying to seem relaxed. This road was weird in ways he couldn't explain, he just knew that it made him feel relaxed... and he never felt relaxed after that night. So, this is the one-time Finland is grateful for his 'ability' to never be relaxed.

     After a few minutes, Kazakhstan spotted a small house in the distance. Well, it appeared small, it was definitely bigger though. Kazakhstan sat up straighter in his seat and squinted, trying to see past the almost blinding snow, to get a good look at the house.

     Once they got a little closer, Kazakhstan could tell it was a house, in a modern style. "Guys, and nonbinary awesome person!" Kazakhstan pointed at the house, smiling, "A house! This has to be Emahtron's hideout!" Russia's eyes widened and he looked out the main window again.

     "No way... it was this easy this whole time?" Russia whispered quietly, then Finland slapped Russia on the back of his head. Russia scowled and looked at Finland, rubbing the back of his head.

     "Of course it's not this easy! Dumbass!" Finland shouted at Russia in disdain, "There's either some sick twist to get there, or this is a fucking trick!" Russia rolled his eyes, then nodded at his own ignorance. Finland wasn't wrong, there was definitely a trick to this... Russia only wondered what the twist was. 

     Vietnam smiled, "I wonder what shit they've got planned today, don't you?" They asked to no one in particular. Kazakhstan nodded though, but he was still a little shaken up from the explosions from earlier.

"Well... just be prepared." Finland stated, a stoic expression, like the snow had started to remind him of something... or someone. Vietnam nodded, and their smile faded, then they kept heading towards the home in the distance.













     Russia's phone vibrated in his pocket. Eventually he got annoyed enough to pick it up, he looked at the caller ID... but all it said was 'UNKNOWN NUMBER'. Russia figured he had nothing to lose by answering... that's what he thought.

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