14- Crimson Wraith

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 "You... don't know who the Crimson Wraith is?" He asked, answering Russia's question with a question.

     Russia shook his head, "No, never heard of them, why are they such a big deal?" Finland was done being sad and shocked about Vietnam's eyesight, so he looked up at Canada.

     "He used to be the talk of the world, the NCPD, AMPD, OCPD, LCPD were even after him not just the ECPD." Canada explained shortly, there was a lot more too it though. Russia was confused, but Finland immediately knew who they were talking about.

     "Y-You're talking about the Crimson Wraith, aren't you?" Finland asked, stepping next to Russia, finally joining the conversation. Canada nodded and Finland glanced at Russia, who's still confused.

     "Russia, how could you not know who the Crimson Wraith is?" Finland asked, shocked that Russia doesn't know how powerful the Crimson Wraith was. "He could take down whole squadrons of officers from a flick of his wrist!" Finland's voice had a hint of respect and the slightest bit of fear in it as he talked of the Crimson Wraith.

     Russia looked at Finland, in shock, then spoke in disbelief, "He... he could do that? Just... like that?" He snapped his fingers. Finland and Canada nodded, then Canada looked at Finland.

     "Well, since you seem to know so much about him, why don't you tell Russia what happened one night? His last crime?" Canada asked Finland, and Finland nodded reluctantly. Russia still looked confused.

     "On... On the fourth of January, about six years ago, the Crimson Wraith broke into the UN building... which no one has ever done, still to this day only he's been able to... and he met up with a worker in the building and together they killed an innocent girl, a countryhuman too" Finland said bitterly, like he didn't like the memory of it, and glared at the ground.

     Russia's eyes widened slightly, "Then... what happened? Did the ECPD get him?" Russia asked, tilting his head. Finland shook his head.

"No, we didn't catch him, he was too fast and too far away... too powerful for a person to be, but after that he hasn't been active, so no one's looked for him at all since that night." Finland said quickly, Canada noticed Finland's hatred for the Crimson Wraith.

     "Well... Finland, he didn't 'meet up' with a worker. The worker actually was about to smash a dictionary over his head, a hard-cover dictionary actually." Canada added, knowing it was a small detail, but it was still a little important.

     Finland glared at Canada, "Oh, alright then. I guess I should just believe a criminal who's killed just as many as the Crimson Wraith," Finland snapped at Canada. Canada took a small step back, putting his hands up, a small playful smile on his face.

     "I don't do the killing here... neither does Mexico or Greenland. I'm the backup, Mexico's the look-out, and Greenland's the getaway driver." Canada said, defending his friends... well, except America, but that was America's fault.

     Russia immediately looked at America, standing in a corner and looking extremely nervous for some reason. Finland also looked at America, but instead of a normal look, Finland glared. America didn't notice, but he did feel a lot more nervous all of a sudden.

     "Guys... Yes, America does the killing, but that doesn't mean he does it without feeling guilty after." Canada said softly, now defending America, "He just... He's just following orders; he doesn't have a choice." Finland and Russia looked back at Canada. "No, I don't know who or what gives America the orders or ideas or whatever... He hasn't told anyone, but he's telling everyone today" Canada said, answering a question that both Russia and Finland had.

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