26- Twisted

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     It's time. Emahtron and the officers are all going to find Poland and make him regret all of the shit he's caused. But there's still conflicts within this large group. Finland still hates almost all of Emahtron and Russia, America has to deal with Poland ruining his confidence, Vietnam's blind, Kazakhstan still panics when it really matters, and Greenland and Antarctica are... well, they're dating, and they would both die for each other.

     "Let's go guys!" America shouted, at Canada, Mexico, Kazakhstan, and Vietnam's room. He wants to get this over with as soon as possible. Because America knows that once Poland's threat is gone, Emahtron is back on the list.

     Mexico opened the door and shouted back at America, "Shut up! We're getting ready, just give us two minutes," then Mexico shut the door.

     America rolled his eyes and walks into his, Antarctica's, and Greenland's room, and walked in circles. Something bad is going to happen. Either America needs to kill Poland, which is unlikely, or he needs to temporarily get Poland to not use his powers... what even are Poland's powers!?

    This is why America wants to finish this as soon as possible, there's so many questions about Poland that can't be answered.

"C'mon Ameri," Mexico said calmly, knocking on the door, "we're ready"

     America opened the door and ran out to the car, Antarctica and Greenland following behind. Mexico cursed some colorful curses as he chased after the mildly insane trio. Canada walked to the car, so he was the last one to get there... other than Vietnam and Kazakhstan. But Kazakhstan was helping Vietnam figure out where the car was, so they get a pass.

     When Kazakhstan got a call from Russia, he immediately answered.

"Yeah Russia?" Kazhstan asked, "Where should we meet?"

     America looked at Canada, and Canada rolled his eyes and uses his ability to listen in on the conversation.

"Let's meet at the UN HQ," Russia replied, "It will be easier to meet each other there,"

"Okay, see you there Russia," Kazakhstan said calmly before ending the call, then he looked at America, who is in the driver's seat.

     "Russia says that we should-"

     "Meet at UN HQ," America interrupted, "I know," Which surprised Kazakhstan, and he turned to look at Canada for an explanation.

     Canada shrugged, "I eavesdropped" he explained simply. Kazakhstan rolled his eyes and looked out the window as America started to drive.

     Vietnam was wearing an embroidered blindfold that Mexico made for them. The cloth that Mexico used is red, since Vietnam liked the color, and it represents joy in their culture. A sky blue and bright yellow making a pattern of lotus flowers.

"So, Ameri," Canada smirked, "What's your opinion on Russia?"

     America opened his mouth to reply but couldn't think of anything to say. What was his opinion on Russia? Did he like Russia, or was that just him feeling the need for comfort whenever Poland just popped up out of nowhere?

     "I... don't really know," America answered finally, "He's nice, I guess," Kazakhstan and Vietnam caught on and Mexico just wanted to stay out of it.

"But what about him is nice?" Kazakhstan questioned, making America regret being stuck with these guys. If he had to drive with Russia or Finland, he wouldn't have been questioned like this.

     "He gives nice hugs, I know that much," America mumbled to himself, then looking back at Kazakhstan, "Russia just does his job, which I think is nice. He also minds his own business,"

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