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     America got his hand stuck in his can of pringles and was now struggling to get it out. He waved his arm around like a wand, yelling spells from Harry Potter for fun, and he tried to push it off. Neither worked, but it was entertaining to watch for his friends.

     "What did I say about getting your hand stuck in the pringles can?" Canada asked, practically telling America 'I told you so'. America scowled at his brother, then turned his attention to getting the can off of his arm. Antarctica and Greenland were talking and catching up with each other while they worked on making dinner with a few salmon.

"You said not too?" Mexico answered for America, only making America send a momentary glare towards Mexico. Canada looked at Mexico and nodded.

     "You're right Mex, I said to not get your hand stuck in the can, Rica." Canada glanced back at the struggling country. America rolled his eyes and eventually pulled out a pocketknife he got from his room in Mr. Lima's home. America used the pocketknife and cut one side of the can and the slid it off.

     "That pringles can is an asshole." America muttered and he walked to the kitchen and threw the can away. He noticed Antarctica and Greenland talking, smiling, and just being an awesome couple. So, he did what anyone else would do, he made a heart shape with his hands and framed the two cold countries inside the heart.

     Neither Greenland or Antarctica noticed, but Mexico and Canada did. They joined America by the entryway to the kitchen and did what America was doing. The three stayed where they were and doing the same thing, for five whole minutes until the lovebirds noticed.

Greenlands head turned around to go grab something from one of the kitchen's cabinets. She saw the three North American's framing her and her boyfriend in their hands shaped like hearts. Her face flushed a bright pink in embarrassment, so she quickly grabbed the thing she needed and speed-walked back to Antarctica.

     When Greenland noticed them, the others left and sat in the living room doing all sorts of random stuff. America was listening to S.K's most recent K-pop, and Mexico was playing Uno with Canada. Everything was calm and orderly, a bit suspicious. It's almost never been calm around Emahtron, America and Greenland are usually doing some stupid thing... but they're not.

     After half-an-hour, Antarctica walked into the living room, with Greenland following close behind. "Uhm... guys, it's time for dinner." Antarctica told everyone quietly, which wasn't loud enough to get everyone else's attention. Greenland smiled and sighed, then stepped in front of Antarctica.

     "Guys, dinner's ready!" Greenland shouted, making Canada and Mexico jump and look over at her. America, having his earbuds in, didn't hear Greenland. So, Canada stood up and walked over to his brother while the others went into the dining room and sat at the table. Canada grabbed America's phone and walked away without a word.

     America quickly followed after Canada, pulling his earbuds out and yelling at his oldest younger sibling. "Dude! Really?? You coulda just told me it was time to eat!" America told Canada, and continued talking and repeating what he was saying, but worded differently each time.

     It took at least five whole minutes to get America to shut up. But when they did, it was when America was stuffing his mouth with the food that Greenland and Antarctica made. Canada shook his head but didn't say anything and just ate the cooked salmon on the plate in front of him. Mexico was eating too, but he was also scrolling on his phone, looking to see if there was any news on Emahtron, which is likely.

     Greenland and Antarctica, being the reunited couple they are, flirted with each other throughout the whole meal. The only time they didn't was when they ate some of their salmon. In under ten minutes, America was already done and stood up to clean his plate. Mexico ate half of his salmon, still eating but slowly, because he was still hunting for any reports on their little group.


=the freezing officers that need therapy=


     "SINCE WHEN THE FUCK DID YOU CARE!?" Finland yelled in the car, making the other three laugh. Russia was smirking at Finland, while Vietnam stared at his cards intently, trying to devise a plan to win. Meanwhile, Kazakhstan was winning with a single card.

     "I've always cared Finland; besides I can't have you helping Kazakhstan win." Russia replied calmly, trying not to laugh at the angry Fin. It was Vietnam's turn to play, they set down a green 5. Kazakhstan smiled; this was perfect. Kazakhstan set down his final card then folded his arms across his chest.

     "And I win the fifth round of Uno," Kazakhstan mumbled quietly, a smile on his face. Finland smiled and high-fived Kazakhstan, meanwhile Vietnam and Russia rolled their eyes. They've played six rounds of Uno, and yet only Vietnam has won other than Kazakhstan.

     Vietnam gathered all of the cards and put them back in the box, before stuffing it away in one of their jacket's many pockets. "Well, any ideas for another thing to pass the time?" Vietnam asked everyone else, they all shook their heads. Then Finland looked out the window and smiled.

     Finland tapped on the window while he faced the others. "Guys, the storm has died down, I think it's tame enough for us to drive," Finland told everyone. They all looked out their windows and smiled before nodding. Kazakhstan started the car and started to drive slowly for a little while.

     Kazakhstan looked at Finland through the rear-view mirror and opened his mouth to speak. But he hesitated, he wanted to ask Finland something, but he wasn't sure if he'd get an answer. Finland noticed Kazakhstan look at him through the mirror and was waiting to be asked a question.

     "Finland... uh... so what's your deal with the now deceased USSR?" Kazakhstan finally asked, Vietnam looked at Kazakhstan with a 'what the hell are you doing!?' look. Finland's eyes widened slightly, then returning to normal, he wasn't prepared for that kind of question. Finland sighed and looked back out his window, Kazakhstan raised his eyebrows and waited for an answer.

     Finland glanced back at Kazakhstan, then away. "Me and him had a war a while back, I'm still bitter about it." Finland finally answered, Kazakhstan finally understood. Of course, that's why Finland is so... so moody about that topic. Now Kazakhstan had to learn about Russia's connection to the USSR, but Kazakhstan had a feeling that Russia would be harder to get the info out of.

     Kazakhstan decided to ask Russia later, maybe some time when they're alone. That would be the best opportunity to ask. With that last thought, Kazakhstan kept on driving and paying attention to the icy road ahead.


     Beautiful, I'm loving this. The only thing I'm not loving is my depression :D, I have started writing poems about it and it's scaring meeeee! :')

     Anyway, I've read Light of Mine by Amaura1406, and I loved it. Now I'm reading the sequel and it's just as good, and I want to make a sequel to one of my books. If you want me too, just write a book I've published that you want a sequel too in the comment thingy, and I'll see if I can.

Anyway, I have so many different things to add in here, like a little secret Antarctica has, and another secret Greenland has (it's got something to do with violence, duh) and then there's the true power of America and Russia's connection with USSR.

Can't wait for all the fun!!!

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