17- Mirrors, Snakes, And A Phoenix

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     A man sits at his desk, doing paperwork, looking at a map of the world, and writing down notes. Then he heard a few aggressive taps on a nearby mirror. He sighed, then smiled and walked in front of the mirror. The man waved his hand over the mirror and saw the one tapping on the mirror.

     "Hurry up, I know you have something to say," the other person said on the other side of the mirror, annoyed at the man. 

     The man chuckles before speaking, "Now, where's the fun in not annoying my other me?" the other glared at him. 

     "You know stuff I don't, stuff I need to get what I want," the country on the other side snapped, "Now, tell me something, anything that I haven't already heard," The man's smile faded while he thought.

     "Well, when you go to your little 'Somewhere', be prepared to meet someone you haven't seen for a long time," He spoke in a grave tone, for once in his life. The other looked at him confused and opened his mouth to ask the man what he meant. 

     But the man looked behind him, at his office door after hearing a knock, and looked back at the other, in a different universe, "Sorry weaker me, I have some business to attend too," Then the man walked away from the mirror and opened his office door.

     The person that the man saw was UK. The man smiled and welcomed UK in. "Hello UK, pleasure to see you again," The man cheerfully said, walking back behind his desk. UK gave the man a degrading look, one of disgust and dislike.

     "Salutations... Poland, I see you're back to your geographical studying" UK quipped, annoyed. Poland rolled his eyes, still smiling. "No matter," UK continued, "you didn't show up for teatime. This is the third time this week Poland"

     Poland laughed nervously, "Sorry UK, I've been busy. Y'know with Emahtron being in other cities or hiding somewhere else. I told EU to send some of his best officers to track them down" Poland explained, trying to avoid a chastising from UK. UK always has long speeches, and she keeps talking until everyone is asleep from boredom.

     UK's eyes narrowed, "EU?" She scoffed, "I've never like EU, but he does have some good officers..." Uk adjusted her top hat, then waited for Poland to reply to her, or she would continue.

     "Well, UK, I believe that catching criminals is more important than going to teatime with you, no offense of course," Poland said a little hesitantly, as powerful as he is, UK is far more capable than him. He can't let himself be on UK's bad side.

     UK tilted her head thoughtfully, "Hm, I suppose so, I apologize for taking up your time. Though, not coming to teatime tomorrow would be such a shame..." She looked at Poland expectantly, raising a brow.

     Poland nodded, "Yes, that would be a shame. I'll try my best to join you and the others at teatime tomorrow," Poland assured UK. Uk smiled and nodded, then she pulled out her pocket watch and checked the time.

     "Hmm... I shall take my leave; I have my own work to do. I'll see you tomorrow at teatime Colonel." UK said before putting her pocket watch away, then she pivoted on her heels and swiftly left. Poland sighed and was a little peeved that she didn't close the door behind her. Then again, she's the General... she really doesn't give a shit unless UN tells her to do anything. Which is an admirable trait of hers.

     When Poland finished closing his door his smile dropped. He pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. So many ways this could go right, yet so many ways this could go wrong. America already told everyone else about him, UK's been skeptical about Poland ever since he returned after World War 2.

     Which is quite understandable, Poland's always had a drastic change in personality after a different country took over his land. The first time he came back, he was kind and hated confrontation. But after WW2... He became more violent, strategic, and manipulative. It scared a lot of the others.

     Poland stood over his world map, circles around the world, in each city, for each possible place where America could be hiding from him. He may be able to appear in front of America, but he doesn't know his location, so he has to spend hours and hours doing research and guesses.

     So far, Poland still hasn't any idea where America could be. It doesn't matter though; he'll find out eventually. He only wonders why EU's officers are at the East Plateau, his trap went off a day ago... how odd.


     Well, if you're an idiot, you still don't know who he is. But if you're not an idiot, then you do know... I swear on the river styx, if this isn't obvious enough idk what is. Also, 2 new characters yay!! And yes, I know this chapter is shorter than usual... writers block is a pain in the ass.

Fun Fact:

     UK's power is literally tea, as ridiculous as that sounds. If she drinks a specific tea that helps/does something, then she can put that effect on others/opponents. So, if she drank lavender or chamomile tea, then she could make others fall asleep, or feel sleepy.

     But, if there's something that a tea doesn't do, she can make a tea out of a flower that represents the thing she wants to do and then put that effect on others. Like if she wants someone to say the truth, then she would have to drink a tea she made from bluebells, since they represent honesty.

     So, she always carries around a teacup, teaspoon, a few dried flowers of her most useful effects that aren't in tea's, and at least one bag of each kind of tea. She also has a small metal water bottle filled with water, and she's usually teamed up with Turkey and/or Spain, who have heat related powers to quickly boil the water for her tea.

UK, is probably my favorite character in this book, even though she doesn't get much of an appearance or recognition.

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