2- Get A Damn Coffee

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     It's 07:10 now, and the only one who hasn't shown up is Russia. Finland, Kazakhstan, and Vietnam are already there. Finland's tapping his fingers rhythmically on the table they're all sitting at, Vietnam is eating their chocolate chip muffin and staring out the floor-to-ceiling window, watching cars zoom by. Kazakhstan is resting his head on the table, about to fall back asleep. After 10 more minutes, Russia finally showed up. He bought a doughnut and sat down next to Finland, who immediately elbowed Russia in the ribs. "What was that for?!" Russia asked, rubbing his ribs that were powerfully stabbed with Finland's elbow. "For being late," Finland answered simply before taking a sip of his coffee.

     Russia rolled his eyes and took a bite of his doughnut. Vietnam kicked Kazakhstan's leg to wake him up, Kazakhstan shot up and blinked. "Huh, what?" Kazakhstan yawned in confusion. Russia and Finland sighed, this is going to be a rough time... teaming up with two Naisans, who know very little about Emathron. "We're going to finish whatever we bought, then we're going to talk to the manager here," Russia sighed, taking another bite of doughnut. The others nodded and quickly finished what they bought.

     When they finished, Russia stood up and waited for the others to follow him to the manager's office. Russia opened the door and the manager looked up from his computer, "Hello, you're Russia I'm guessing?" He asked. Russia nodded and the manager smiled. "Sorry for the late notice of the meeting," Russia apologized, the manager shook his head and looked at the other three officers behind Russia. "Hey, if you can get Emathron for killing Quin," The manager admitted, "I'll help in any way I can," Finland nodded and looked at Russia. "He seems... a little too happy," Finland whispered to Russia, "Especially for someone who just lost an employee to murderers," Russia nodded, but kept a neutral expression. "Just roll with it," Russia whispered back.

     The group of officers took seat in the manager's office, Kazakhstan decided to stay standing and leaned on a wall. "So, what would you officers like to know about Ms. Janeson?" the manager asked, curiously. "We're just wondering if Ms. Janeson had any... bad habits," Russia answered, "Like constant drinking, smoking, or drugs, just anything like that," The manager nodded. The manager sighed, "She did have a small problem with smoking cigarettes," Finland asked a question too. "Did her family have any debt problems or something?" Finland asked, the manager shook his head.

     "Well, there is this small group of four that came to our cafe consistently," The manager admitted, "Quin always tried to avoid them, I could give some names and you can ask them?" Russia, Finland, Kazakhstan, and Vietnam all looked at each other and nodded. "That would be appreciated," Russia finally replied, the manager grabbed a nearby pen and started to write names down on a sticky note. The manager handed the note to Russia, "They seem old enough to either be in college or just graduating college," he said, Russia nodded in thanks and left; the others following behind him.


=Back at the Police Station, Russia's office=


     Russia called Germany and gave her the four names, to look up and find their address. "United States of America, Mexico, Canada, and Greenland," Russia said, "Do you think you can convince EU to get us their addresses?" he asked. "I can try, but EU's in a grumpy mood this morning," Germany said, a pouty tone being held back, "You know how he is when he's grumpy," . "No need to remind me Germany," Russia laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. He'll never forget how angry EU could be, especially after Russia got rootbeer spilled on some of EU's papers.

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