3- What do you want

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THIRD PERSON POV[every time I do the POV in all caps I feel like the words are screaming at me-]

     As soon as Russia and the others were able to get America in handcuffs and into an interrogation room, Russia went to get an ice cream sandwich while Finland went to go play bad cop. Kazakhstan and Vietnam stood in the room behind the mirror, to watch and make sure nothing too dangerous happens.

     America's left knee was bouncing anxiously, but he glared at Finland the second he walked into the interrogation room. "Oh look, it's the sniper who fucking shot Mex's wing," America growled, Finland didn't respond and took a seat across from the table. "Listen, United States," Finland started to say, "You and your buddies have killed so many people within the past two months. All we want to know is, why?" America tilts his head, confused and no longer glaring at the Europiyan in front of him. "Can you elaborate?" America asked, not understanding what Finland was asking of him.

     Finland rolls his eyes, "We want to know why you kill innocent civilians, what the hell do you even get out of it?" Finland's voice starting to get louder and angrier. America mouths an 'oooooh' then he smiles. "Get me some M&M's, then we'll talk," America smirked, all he really wanted was chocolate right now... and to know if his friends are safe, but he doesn't want to think too hard about that right now.

     Finland's face turned blank and expressionless, he sighed and nodded. "Fine, I get you M&M's and you give me info, deal?" Finland asked, America nodded and smiled. Finland stood up and left the room, Kazakhstan walked out of the room behind the mirror and looked at Finland confused. "It's that easy? Just give the guy some M&M's and he'll tell use stuff?" Kazakhstan questioned, "Seems too good to be true," Vietnam stood behind Kazakhstan and nodded, agreeing with him. Finland shrugged, "Hey, if we get him to talk, that's all that matters," then Finland left to look for M&M's.

     Shortly after Finland went on the hunt for M&M's, Russia joined the group and looked confused when Finland wasn't there. "Uh... where's Finland?" Russia asked the other two, they shrugged, because they also don't know where he is. "We just know he's looking for M&M's to give to the United States," Vietnam told Russia, "Since the dude just wants M&M's apparently," Russia looked extra confused now. Russia eventually shrugged it off and watched America in the interrogation room, playing with his shirt.

     When Finland returned on his little side quest for M&M's, he re-entered the interrogation room and gave America a handful of M&M's. "There," Finland said, "Now you'll answer our questions honestly?" America nodded putting a few of the chocolate treats in his mouth. "This is going to be interesting..." Vietnam mumbled behind the mirror. "What do you get out of killing these civilians?" Finland asked America, who shrugged. "Not really anything, we just do it because we can," America answered, "An old friend sometimes hires us to get info or some person killed, and he pays well so we do it," Russia's look of shock almost made Kazakhstan burst out laughing, but with this being serious he had to keep the urge to laugh to a very low minimum.

     Finland sighed, not expecting that answer from America. "Who's this 'old friend' of yours then?" Finland asked, hoping for a better answer than last time. "All I'll tell you is that they live in Latimerica," America smiled, "Anything else?" Finland shook his head. "A friend of mine will come and ask any questions I haven't thought of," Finland said as he started to walk out the door. Shortly after Finland left, Russia entered, just finishing his ice cream sandwich. "Alright, United States," Russia said, "Do you and your friends have any hideouts? In case you end up in this kind of situation?" America nodded and had some more M&M's. 

     "Yeah, we sure do," America replied, looking at Russia curiously. "We've got two of them, one in Latimerica and one somewhere else," America tilted his head still looking at Russia, "And you've got some chocolate around your mouth," Russia blinked, not sure how to respond. But Russia wiped the chocolate off his face and sighed. "That helps somewhat," Russia said, standing up and getting ready to leave. "Also, you're going to be helping us catch your buddies," Russia commented before leaving the room and shutting the door. Leaving a shocked America in the room alone.

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