9- Pran of Cingles

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America was sitting on the couch, all comfy in a thick and soft blanket, and staring out one of the many windows in Antarctica's home. He looked at the flat, snowy, and frozen landscape... he doesn't understand why there would be windows to look at something so boring. The snowfall started to get more intense and the wind picked up, turning into a blizzard. America smiled to himself, the officers will have to chill out until the storm passes, literally.

He looked to his right, where Mexico was, but noticed Mexico was gone. America looked around, then saw Mexico huddling with Antarctica and Greenland... they're acting like penguins. It could be worse though, I mean, they're not having an all-out brawl to stay warm. America sighed and turned back to look out a window.

"Ameri! Come join us, we're penguins now!" Greenland excitedly shouted at America. America turned back towards the rest of his group and smiled; he can't believe that they were pretending to be penguins on purpose.

He stood up, still wrapped in the blanket, and waddled over saying, "Penguin noises, I dunno what noises they make. More penguin noises." Which made Antarctica chuckle and Mexico roll his eyes like America was an idiot... which he can be. "Don't roll your eyes at me Mex!" America shouted towards Mexico.

"Not my fault you don't know what a Pingüino sounds like," Mexico replied, a small smile appearing on his face. "Now get your ass over here America." Mexico finished, making America waddle over at full speed.

Once America got to the group and joined their penguin huddle, he made the sound of a duck quacking, just to be annoying. It worked too, the others had a debate on whether or not they wanted to toss America out into the blizzard, they decided against it though. They don't need a frozen America outside the door, even if he is annoying as hell.


=Later (still with the group of penguin countries)=


"Anty, what'cha planning for dinner?" America asked, after 30 minutes of acting like a penguin with the others. Antarctica shrugged, and Greenland had a confused expression as she looked at America.

"Ameri, it's not even 15:00(3:00 pm)" Greenland told America, she still has yet to remember that America almost always has food on his mind. Canada sighed and folded his arms, shaking his head. America gasped dramatically and spoke extra dramatically.

"You dare question my need for food?" America put a hand to his chest and another to his forehead and leaned back slightly, "How could you!..." Dramatic pause, "I trusted you!" Then he paused again before laughing, he obviously meant this as a joke. Greenland and Mexico laughed with America after a few seconds of processing what America was doing. Antarctica just looked confused, and Canada was silently chuckling.

"Anyway, Anty, you got a pran of cingles? wait... a pran of- I mean can of pringles, not pran of cingles," (Please tell me you guys get the reference) America stuttered, that made Canada laugh out loud and the others laugh harder. Antarctica nodded, thinking that America's mistake was quite funny.

"Yes Ame, I do have a pran of cingles," Antarctica smiled as he walked to his kitchen and opened a cupboard, pulling out a can of pringles and tossing it to America. America caught it and opened it and took a few and shoved as many as he could into his mouth. Canada smirked and decided to tease his older brother.

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