12- And There Goes the Station

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     At Vostok station, all of the officers followed Russia down the empty and depressing looking corridors. This place felt so... empty and devoid of life, even though there's researchers and scientists here. Something about this place seemed off, but that's probably because they got here near midnight.

     Russia walked through the station without showing any fear or worry, he was actually smiling as they walked through the station. Vietnam was less nervous and on edge, but they looked around warily. Both Finland and Kazakhstan were trying not to smile, because they're happy that they're out of the crowded car.

     They turned a corner and Russia opened a door on the right side of the hallway. the door slid open, like something from a sci-fi movie or grocery store, and revealed what looked like an empty and undecorated college dorm room. Two bunk beds sat on the left and right side of the room, an air conditioner in the middle of the back of the room, on the ceiling, and the floor was a light blue carpet.

     "So, this is where we're going to take a break. We can stay the night here and spend up until the afternoon until we leave, sound good?" Russia asked as her turned around to face the rest of the group. They nodded, all of them slightly smiling, and walked in. Russia walked to the bunkbed on the right, and Vietnam ran to the same one and scrambled up the ladder to claim the top bunk.

     "I call top bunk!" Kazakhstan yelled as he ran towards the bunk bed on the left side of the room and climbed up the ladder, Finland rolled his eyes and strode to the left bunk and flopped onto it, not even getting under the covers before falling asleep.

     Russia sat on his bunk, watching as Kazakhstan grabbed his pillow and smiled mischievously. Then, Kazakhstan threw the said pillow at Vietnam across the room. The pillow hit Vietnam right in the face and Vietnam fell over onto their bed. When Vietnam sat back up, they were grinning from ear to ear, they grabbed the pillow and chucked it down towards Finland.

     Finland got hit by the pillow and woke up. Then Finland swung it upwards, hitting Kazakhstan, who was looking over the side of the bunk to see if Finland got hit... which ended up in Kazakhstan getting a pillow to the face. This pillow fight continued for a while, without Russia getting involved surprisingly. Russia was tempted to leave for a moment to pop some popcorn and watch the fight.

     After a few minutes of pillow fighting chaos, everyone was out of energy and laid on their beds. Russia was already under the blankets facing the wall trying to sleep. Finland was still not under the covers, asleep and probably not going to wake up unless some kind of explosion goes off. Kazakhstan and Vietnam were tapping in morse code to each other, theorizing all sorts of stupid things.


=4 A.M=


     Kazakhstan was the first one to wake up, thanks to his glowing wings. He sat up and made his wings big enough for him to look at them, then he glared at his wings. The light emanating from them woke him up, but then he remembered something. His wings only glow without his 'permission' when there's danger nearby.

     His eyes widened and he jumped off the bunk and sped-walked to Russia. He tapped Russia's shoulder, making the Russian shift around and crack his eyes open. Russia seemed to see the urgency in Kazakhstan's eyes, and he sat up and rubbed his eyes. Russia stood up, and Kazakhstan grabbed his stuff, then sighed.

     "Okay, Finland and Vietnam, something's going to happen so we're getting out of here early!" Russia yelled, waking up Vietnam and Finland. Vietnam sat up and leaped off his bunk and grabbed his stuff, he always wakes up quickly, and stood next to Russia. Finland, however, was slower... until he heard muffled explosions in the distance.

     Finland rolled out of bed and scrambled to grab his things, then when Russia made sure they had all their stuff he opened the door and started to run. The others followed him, running and keeping their panic contained for the time being. The sound of explosions got closer and louder. As soon as the hallway was wide enough Kazakhstan grew his wings out to half of their maximum size.

     "Guys! Give me your stuff, I can fly out of here and get the stuff out faster. That way you're not dragged down by your things!" Kazakhstan yelled, which almost made him get hit in the face with a sniper rifle in its case. Kazakhstan caught it and Russia and Vietnam tossed their things at Kazakhstan. Then he ran faster, ahead of Russia and the others, and did a slight hop and flapped his wings.

     Kazakhstan flew out of the station as fast as he could and flew half a mile away from the station. He stopped flying when he reached the car and threw the bags and other things in the trunk, after opening it, and waited for the others to get out. When he saw the others running for their lives, Kazakhstan hit the gas pedal and zoomed towards them. He got out of the driver's seat and ran to the passenger side.

     "Vietnam, you get the wheel! Go!" Russia yelled as he and Finland swung the back doors open and slid inside. Vietnam got in the driver's seat and drove away like there was no 5 minutes into the future. Which, they wouldn't have if they didn't drive away fast enough. Vietnam had his eyes ahead of them, going faster than 100 mph.

     When they were far away from the station, Vietnam stopped the car, after slowing down because no one here needs whiplash. Russia looked out his window at Vostok station. Then his eyes narrowed. He had a hunch, and one that wouldn't be farfetched either.

     "They knew we would stop here..." Russia mumbled, the others considered it and agreed with Russia.

"I... I mean, that's possible... but, h-how would th-they know when to deton-nate whatever they used to blow up the s-station?" Kazakhstan stuttered, his wings back to their small size. Russia shrugged; they wouldn't know.

     "I'm not sure Kazakhstan..." Russia responded, "But we do know that they're close enough to know where my station is- I mean was."

     "So... you're saying we're close to their hide-out, Russia?" Vietnam asked, slightly hopeful, they did not want to be in this cold area of the world anymore. Russia nodded, so that was a little bit of good news after almost dying painfully in an explosion. No one wants to go out like that, no one wants to go out in a flashy way... well, maybe Tengen... or Dazai, but they're not in this wooorrrrld... I think... oh no-


     Hehehe... finally. I got explode something!

This one is a little shorter, but only by 400 words so we're good... I think. Anyway, who blew up Vostok Station? It's not a character I've introduced in this story, but definitely a character I've mentioned in my last story I finished >:)

Fun Fact:

If it wasn't obvious, Kazakhstan is that one character that has anxiety. But, even though he has a lot of anxiety, he can still think straight when some random or life-threatening shit is going down... like the explosion I put in for funsies.

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