7- SO F*****G COLD!!

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AMERICA POV: [Finally]

          I drove at least 20mph over the speed limit, which was 75mph... so I guess that means I'm going 95mph... oookay that's enough math for today. Sure, I got us away from the officers just fine, and now we're heading to the East Plateau. But just because we got away doesn't mean that they don't know where we're going. I told them we have a hide out on the East Plateau, and we do, but I also told them about the one in Latimerica, but thanks to that dead beat asshole Mr. Lima we can't go there anymore!

     I looked behind me to see Mexico cursing in Spanish under his breath, and Maple was just looking out the window, probably glad we didn't get caught and/or didn't die. Greenland was jumping up and down in her seat, she can't wait to get to the East Plateau, she has a certain person living there. Which is where our hide out is.  I'm not worried too much, it's gotten down too -98 degrees Fahrenheit, so not many would go and explore there. But Russia and Finland are the one's I'm worried about, not Vietnam or Kazakhstan. The other two are trouble.

     "Hey... Ameri?" Greenland asked, putting a hand on my shoulder, "Are you okay?" I nodded, keeping my eyes on the road and switching lanes every 20 seconds to pass a car.

     "I'm doin' fine" I muttered, I'm really not doin' fine, one of my friends ratted us out as soon as we left. Now Finland and Russia can look for the cabin we're going to hide out in, I don't have any M&M's and I'm the whole reason we're in this mess. If I didn't push that girl off of Europiya Tower, maybe we wouldn't be in this hellhole.

     After an hour Mexico finally quit cursing and calmed down, took him a while, Canada fell asleep against the car door and Greenland was humming along to the music station that was playing. I'm happy about the calmness in the car, especially after what happened. I'm not sure what would have happened if we got caught, but I do know that it wouldn't be good. We drove around the outside of Europiya and got on a road that went straight to the East Plateau. It's almost 4:00 pm, that's pretty good time so far.

     The Europiya Tower started to fade into the distance as we drove farther away, the plains around the city slowly turned white and covered in snow. We're definitely closer to the Plateau, if there's snow we're heading to the right place. It started to get colder, in the car, so I turned on the heater... since Mex doesn't really like the cold.  I don't mind the cold, it depends on how cold it is. If it's below freezing, then I'm grabbing a warm coat. Other than that, long sleeves and shorts work just fine.


=East Plateau (time skippy)=



     When America drove to the East Plateau, Greenland was practically making the car shake with how much she jumped up and down in her seat. The shaking woke Canada up and Mexico grumbled, after finally just relaxing in the car. America was just tired, he wanted to sleep so bad he could pass out on the steering wheel.

     "We're here," America mumbled parking the car right outside of a cabin covered in powdery snow. Greenland didn't even stay to let America finish his sentence, she opened the door and ran up the steps, and onto the dark wooden porch, then knocking on the door. Mexico sighed and got out of the car and ran for the door, not used to the freezing cold. Canada and America took their time heading out, they were in reality freezing, but who cares? The snow is sparkly and shiny, America loves watching the snow in the sunlight.

     By the time Canada and America got to the door, Mexico was already inside wrapping himself up in a blanket. Canada snickered and America smiled. America looked around the small cabin and found Greenland and her boyfriend hugging each other. It was pretty cute, seeing the two love birds just hug after not seeing each other in a year. 

"Hey Anty, how's the freezing wasteland?" America asked Greenlands boyfriend. He has a blue background and a white silhouette of the landmass he represents.

 He looked at America, "I've been... better, but good to see you," America nods and goes to join Mexico on the couch. Canada walks over to the other country and firmly shakes his hand.

 "Nice to be back Antarctica," Canada smiled, Antarctica nodded then continued hugging Greenland. Canada sat down at a small round dining table and looked out the windows, admiring the snowy landscape, which currently isn't in the middle of a blizzard.


=Our favorite group of officers=


     Kazakhstan, being the rule follower he is, drove the speed limit exactly. Which made Vietnam a little irritated, with Emahtron having a head start, he wanted to go at least a 5mph over the speed limit. Russia didn't mind, not really, neither did Finland. Russia and Finland glared at each other, most likely having a mental insult battle, the whole time.

"So, Finland, shouldn't we tell Vietnam and Kazakhstan about the first time we met?" Russia asked, wanting a reason to tease Finland. Besides, Vietnam and Kazakhstan have been curious about that for a while.

Finland rolled his eyes and nodded, "You're telling the story though, I'm not speaking of that embarrassing meeting," Russia smiled and nodded. Vietnam raised an eyebrow in interest and Kazakhstan's eyes looked in the rear-view mirror, listening.

     Russia started to tell the two Nasians about Finland's and his first meeting. "Well, it was one of my first cases, and I needed to team up with someone," Russia began, "I wasn't allowed to choose my work partner though, so I ended up working with Finland." Finland sighed and looked out the car window, trying to tune out the story. "And the second I saw him; I called him a-"


O000oo0OOoO, cliffhanger... no I just got bored of writing that. I'm so flipping tired, I forgot about this for a whole week ngl. I've been wating for soooo looong to do Greenland and Antarctica's relationship... also I just watched A Quiet Place and Dune, and I love them both so freaking much!!

Fun Fact:

If you were wondering why I made the group of America, Canada, Greenland, and Mexico Emahtron. Spell it backwards, I loooooove spelling things backwards. Like Naisa is Asian but backwards.

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