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     After Russia finished dinner, he went to his room, to check on America. Once again, America was having a conversation with the figure, or in Russia's case, the air. But what really shocked Russia, was the fact that America was holding back tears. What did the stupid air say now?!

     "America... what did that bitch, the air, say this time?" Russia asked. America turned towards Russia, then looked away, trying to avoid letting Russia see him this vulnerable. "America? It's okay, it's just some dumbass trying to make you feel useless." Russia whispered kindly, slowly making his way towards America.

     "Go... Go away... I can deal with it..." America whispered quietly, barely audible. Russia raised his eyebrows and knew that America was just trying to keep Russia, or anyone else, from worrying. Which fails miserably, because Russia's still going to worry. But Russia leaves for a moment.

     Russia went to the kitchen to grab some chocolate ice cream. When he returned to his room, he had a bowl of chocolate ice cream and a spoon, for America. America saw the ice cream and took it happily, chocolate always cheered him up, that and his national anthem.

     Russia sat down on the edge of the bed, while America sat next to him and ate his ice cream. "Sorry..." America apologized, feeling bad that he keeps making Russia worry about him. America always feels like he's forcing others to care for him and try to help. It makes him feel selfish.

     "Don't feel sorry, it's not your fault anyway" Russia tried to convince America, "You just need to talk to someone about this..." America looked at Russia, no longer eating his ice cream.

     "I just... I don't want to hurt anyone," America mumbled, "Not... Not all just to help me. I can do just fine..."

     "Not happening, you're literally dying inside," Russia argued "all because of what? Some idiot in the air?" America looked down at his ice cream bowl, not wanting to argue with Russia.

     "He's not an idiot!" America interjected, "He's powerful... and he-he's manipulative, he always finds out what-what you're afraid of and how to break you down..." Russia sighed, he's tired of hearing stuff like this from America.

     "As far as I know, the air is an idiot," Russia grumbled, "Besides, there's no country with a power to just only appear to one person and not be seen by others. Humans don't have powers either."

     America looked back at Russia, "I... I guess that's true..." He mumbled, still wary of the figure and his power. "But...But still, I know he's powerful..." America added, before standing up and setting the bowl on the ground near the door.

     "Well, if he is... then we can beat him, I mean we have a whole team of people." Russia said, watching America walk back to the bed and sit down. "I think our chances are pretty good. Besides, if we can prove that you're forced to do the crimes and killing, then the police stations won't be after you guys anymore." Russia concluded.

     "Yeah... okay..." America mumbled, "I'm just... just gonna sleep now," Then he laid down on the bed, and Russia stood up and walked to his side of the bed.

     "Sounds good," Russia replied, laying down on his side of the bed. America and Russia were on the bed, under the covers, and trying to sleep. Russia fell asleep just fine, but America, he's still thinking of what the figure said this time.

"You're useless."

"What the hell is up with your emotions?"

"Why can't you shut the hell up?"

     But America slowly drifted off to sleep, thinking negatively, and trying to figure out what's wrong with him. Even though there's nothing wrong with him, what the figure says isn't true, the figure is the thing wrong with America.


=Military Subdivision, UN headquarters=


     Poland was sitting with UK, in her office, at her desk and drinking tea. Poland was cautious, as he knows that UK has been skeptical of him, and how powerful she is. Currently, Poland has no idea what tea UK is, and has, been drinking. For all he knows it could be bluebell's or something to get him to spill.

    After UK sipped on her tea, "So, Poland, you finally showed up to teatime." Uk observed, happy about it, but hidden behind her usual expression of indifference. Poland nodded and sipped on his tea too. He made time to come this time, or in other words, he pulled an all-nighter doing all the stuff he 'needed' to do.

     "I did, I'm sorry about the other times" Poland apologized, not sure whether or not he's done so already. After all, he's been so busy trying to find where America is hiding. But last night, he figured it out... or at least he thinks he has.

     "No apologies required, you came, that's all that matters... Right?" UK asked but looked at Poland with a steely look on her last word. Poland had to bite his tongue to seem like he wasn't panicking. He looked at UK, right in the eyes.

     "Yes, I suppose. Though work is more important," Poland replied, hesitance in his voice. UK's eyes narrowed, but she nodded and set her teacup down on her desk.

     "You are correct," UK agreed, standing up with her hands behind her back, "But... you lied. There's something more important to you than work, and teatime." UK strode to Poland's side.

     Poland didn't reply, he knew that if he answered, then he'd be in so much trouble. What kind of tea did she drink? How did she know he lied? UK raised an eyebrow, expecting an answer. But Poland stayed silent.

     "Well?" UK asked, "Anything going on in life that I could help with?" Poland looked at UK through the corners of his eyes, then he shook his head.

     "No, it's not anything you can help with," Poland answered, wording his reply carefully, "But it's also personal to me, and I'm not comfortable talking about it." UK nodded, understanding what Poland was saying, even if his wording was vague and suspicious.

     "Well, then let's just enjoy teatime, shall we?" UK asked, again, walking back to her side of her desk and sitting down. Poland nodded and sipped from his teacup again. UK picked her teacup up again and sipped on her tea.

     This continued for 30 minutes, sipping tea and chatting. It was a calm evening, for UK anyway. Poland spent the rest of his night planning and thinking, still trying to learn America's exact location. But America always keeps his blinds closed, and the door's closed of cracked open.

     Poland is like a ghost when he appears in front of America, only America can see and hear him, but Poland can't move anything. That makes his plan much harder to do. Especially since he can't contact his greatest ally. Why does America have to be so difficult?



Fun Fact

     UN isn't an organization human in this world. UN is an organization, but it's run by the other organizations like AU, EU, NATO, and ASEAN. All in one big building with different subdivisions for different things.

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