16- Him

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     Russia woke up to the sound of America opening a bag of potato chips in his room. Russia sat up and glared at America. Busy eating chips, America looked at him and waved. Russia rolled his eyes and laid back down, he's too tired for this shit.

     America swallowed the chips and sighed; he really needs to learn to control his snacking urges while everyone else is asleep. One thing cheered America up though, Russia was asleep, and probably comfy too. America figured Russia could sleep in an actual bed for one, after driving in an uncomfortable car for a few days.

     When America looked around the room, he jumped when he saw the one person he didn't want to see. America took a deep breath and tried to seem calmer than he really is, he's a pretty good actor anyway. The figure stood in the doorway, but they were opaque or translucent, you could see right through them.

     "What do you want now?" America asked the figure, quietly so Russia couldn't hear. The figure smiled, then they stepped forward, their steps not making a sound. America forced himself to not back away, he couldn't back away with him here.

     "Oh, I just want some information, that's all," The figure said nonchalantly, yet there was a hint of commanding in their voice. America's eyes narrowed, he never just wanted information... there's always some stupid twist that he has to it. Sometimes the twist is more revolting than others.

     "You want more than that... you always do," America stated hesitantly. The figure shook their head and clicked their tongue. Then, still smiling the figure stepped closer to America, their faces just a few inches apart. America stepped back, like he always did whenever someone got that close.

     "Oh? I suppose I do... but not this time." The figure chuckled, "Anyway, I hope you haven't forgotten what I can do if you don't listen... it would be a shame, wouldn't it?" America glared at the figure but nodded. The figure turned their back to America and kept speaking.

     "Please do tell me this..." The figure turned their head just enough to see America through the corners of their eyes, "You told them, didn't you?" America instinctively looked down.

"I-I didn't tell them a lot... I-I just said-"

"You talked, did you not?" the figure asked, cutting off America, their tone getting more hostile.

     America looked back up, but he didn't reply, since the figure already knew the obvious answer to that question. The figure turned to face America again, their smile gone and replaced by a frown. America's eyes looked around the room. Trying to avoid eye contact with the figure of course.

     "Y'know, you're quite obnoxious when you speak," The figure mentioned, "I'm not sure what it is, maybe it's the way you talk, or the sound of your voice, hell, it could be the way your mouth moves when you speak." Then the figure started to pace back and forth, somehow not tripping on anything in the messy room.

     "Sorry..." America apologized, he hated when the figure did this. They'd always say something to damage America's self-esteem, then the figure will leave and come back later after America's negative thoughts convinced him that the figure was right. It always worked... always.

     "Oh, and not to mention your trust issues, you really need to get control over those," The figure continued, making America shrink in on himself, "And why don't you express your true emotions? Always hiding behind that ugly smile of yours." America didn't answer, it always got worse when he answered.

     The insults continued, longer than usual, so the figure is probably pissed at America. "You honestly joke about your mental health so much it's hard to tell when you're being serious or joking, like c'mon!" The figure insulted again, "No one's going to want to be friends with someone like you, all made of shitty plastic."

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