18- Strange Connections

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     It's been two days since the officers and Emahtron "joined forces", but there's still some... tension, between the two groups. The main reason being their morals and ideals. Even if Emahtron is being led by America, who's being forced to do all of this, Finland doesn't trust them.

     But Mexico doesn't trust Finland, after all, Finland did shoot his wing. Finland is also cautious around Antarctica, as he used to be the Crimson Wraith, and Greenland. Greenland had an off feeling about her, always cheerful, like America, but in an even more unsettling way. It pissed off Finland.

     Everyone else got along well though, Russia has started to be more open towards Emahtron and hangs out with them more often. Vietnam and Kazakhstan decided to trust them all too, well, to some extent. Finland stayed away from Emahtron, unless he had too for a meal or a pointless meeting to try and plan.

     Finland especially avoided Greenland; she reminded him of someone... someone that hurt the one he loved. Hell, he'd even go as far to say the only one that he loved! That's one night he doesn't want to remember. He remembered when he arrived at the case by Europiya tower.

     The first time his eyes landed on Ms. Janeson's dead and bleeding body...the scene felt familiar to him, like he's been there before. The body, the wound, the timing, it all felt familiar to him. But there was only one other time he was at a scene like that.

     He didn't want to think of that night, but he also wanted revenge, he wanted to find who did that to her and punish them. If he wants to exact revenge, then he can't forget, but he can't remember without overthinking everything he could've done to prevent it.

     It kills him inside, yet it's why he's still an officer and not at a different and safer job. Greenland didn't help with the remembering thing; she seemed way too familiar in a bad way. Antarctica... the Crimson Wraith, he aided in the killing of that night. 

     Finland hates Antarctica's guts, but Antarctica seems to have punished himself in his own way for that killing. Antarctica never committed any more crimes after that night, and he seems to have lost control of his power. As far as Finland knows, Antarctica loved committing crimes, so suddenly stopping could be a self-inflicted punishment.

     Though, that's far from the truth. Antarctica didn't quit because he wanted to punish himself. He quit for three reasons, and three reasons only. The first one being his loss of control over his power. The second being the terrible drawback of his ability, which doesn't seem fatal to other countries, but to him it can be life threatening.

     The third one? Well, he met Greenland, the love of his life. He fell in love at first sight, which is cheesy yes, but you don't choose love, love chooses you. Antarctica didn't mind the person that love chose for him, she's sweet and kind... well, most of the time.

     Yes, Greenland has problems, but who doesn't? Finland has trust issues, Germany is a workaholic, Kazakhstan's anxiety can take the best of him, America has to deal with the figure constantly, Vietnam's eyesight is ruined, Mexico... well, there's not much on Mexico yet, Canada is mature and kind, but he's also dangerous. Antarctica is... well, his drawback ruined his life.

So, Greenland having issues isn't that big of a deal, right? Like, sure she killed one person, that night that she loves yet hates. But that shouldn't be enough to make her untrustworthy and unreliable, that's what she thinks.

     Everyone else knows that something's off about her, but Emahtron doesn't mind at all. They're all messed up in their own ways. Because... well, you can't judge books by their covers. Well, technically you can, book covers are important, but people are different.

     The officers thought that America was this confident, happy-go-lucky, and arrogant person, but he's just hiding. He's trying to protect his friends, but he's also hurting himself. Only Russia knows about how America actually feels, but everyone does know that he's gone through all sorts of messed up shit.

     Eventually, Kazakhstan got a moment alone with Russia, which finally gave the winged country the chance he needed. The chance to learn more about the Soviet Union and his connections with Russia and Finland. How did Russia even know USSR? Finland and USSR fought in a war, so that checks out. But Russia?

     "Russia, I have a question," Kazakhstan said, confidently, which slightly surprised Russia.

     "Uh... okay, what do you have to ask?" Russia asked Kazakhstan, wondering why Kazakhstan even needed to as Russia anything. Unless it had something to do with Emahtron, but Russia doesn't think that's very likely.

     "What... W-what's the connection between you and the S-Soviet Union?" Kazakhstan finally stammered out. Russia blinked; this was a question he never thought he would be asked.

     "Well... uh, I'm not really sure myself. The Soviet Union just was familiar to me in the 1980's," Russia answered, "Then, he just disappeared after 1991, it was weird..." Kazakhstan nodded.

     Kazakhstan also felt an odd familiarity with the Soviet Union. But he couldn't ever remember what his own connection to the USSR was after 1991. Kazakhstan met a few ladies a few months ago, and they gave similar answers to what Russia said.

     That's really weird. Kazakhstan smiles, "Thanks Russia, I was just curious," Kazakhstan said happily before walking back to Vietnam, who was drumming their fingers on their leg, probably out of boredom. Which seems reasonable, considering they can't do a lot since their vision is all messed up.

     Mexico, Canada, and America were sitting in a corner playing Uno, they probably got it from Vietnam. Antarctica and Greenland were cuddling on a couch, and Finland was reading a book he got from Antarctica's bookshelf. Russia was alone at the moment, so he decided to join Finland and hopefully have a decent conversation for once.


     I have another project I'm working on, I haven't published it yet. But if you want me to publish the Info at the beginning of it I can. Just say the word and BAM, it'll exist. I'll also that it'll exist. 

     (Side note, follow if you like my stories... I wonder how you all read through it sometimes, but I announce things sometimes, and most of the time they have to do with my books. So if you want to know stuff and haven't followed already, try it :D)

Fun Fact:

     I forgot to give Antarctica's draw back last chapter, I just had to put UK's power in there.

     Antarctica's ability is powerful, yes, but its drawback is also powerful. The more he uses his power, the warmer he gets. He's an odd being, since he's not a country, but is a continent. So, he's life is "connected" to the landmass he's made of.

     And a warm Antarctica isn't good. Since the night he stopped committing crimes, he used so much of his power that it affected his health, it even made him lose control over what his ability attacks. So, that's why he stopped committing crimes and hid on the East Plateau.

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