6- Finding Out

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     After Argentina dropped of America at Peru's house, America knocked on the door and stood there smiling. Peru opened the door and raised his eyebrows when he saw America, "Took you long enough, Ame," Peru said nonchalantly before walking back into the house. America rolled his eyes, still smiling, and entered the house, closing the door as he came in. "So, how's Canada and the others?" America asked Peru, Peru froze when America mentioned Canada. "Greenland and Mex are fine, Canada however... we had a small disagreement, y'know?" Peru replied, carefully wording his sentence. America's eyes narrowed, but he nodded and headed to the basement.

     America threw open the door to Mexico's and Canada's room, seeing the whole group in the room. "I'M BACK LOSERS!" America yelled happily, standing triumphantly in the doorway, making Canada pinch the bridge of his nose and look down. Greenland shot up and squealed happily, Mexico stood up and slapped America's right arm. "That's for taking so god damn long, pendejo," Mexico smiled, America smiled back and rubbed his arm. "I forgot how much that hurts," America mumbled to himself.

     "Rica, we were just talking about something," Canada sighed, looking back up at the group, "It's about Peru," America tilted his head and his smile faded. "What's wrong with Peru?" America asked, Mex and Green suddenly turned serious. "Well," Mex started, "Canada and Peru got into an argument," America nodded, following this so far. "-And he slapped me," Canada finished, making America tense up and looked out the door. "You're... not joking are you," America muttered, Canada nodded and stood up. "That little-" America said through gritted teeth and started to walk out the door with clenched fists.

      "Rica, don't," Canada warned, as he quickly strode towards America and grabbed his arm. America sighed and nodded, "Fine, but let's get outta here as soon as possible," America told the group, "The ECPD is lookin' for us," Greenland nodded and smiled. "Does that meeeaaan what I think it meanssss?" Greenland asked hopefully, America nodded and smiled, "HELL YEAH!" Greenland shouted victoriously. "Well, let's not keep Green waiting," Mex sighed, but smiled, Canada nodded, and they all started packing their stuff quickly... other than America.

     After they finished packing, America told Peru that they were leaving, and Peru nodded. They got in the car and America managed to get into the driver's seat. Mexico was already holding onto his seat for his life, Canada sat next to Mexico, in the back, and did a quick mental prayer to whoever ran the universe. Greenland sat in the passenger seat and was grinning from ear to ear. "Let's go boys, and lady!" America yelled and he slammed on the gas pedal, and went backwards out of the garage, then drifted onto the street like he was in The Fast and The Furious. Mexico was screaming at the top of his lungs, as America drove like a maniac and slowly took his terrible driving to a normal level.

     The group was driving without a problem... until they heard the sirens. America took a quick glance behind him through the mirror and smiled. "Oh look, it's my officer buddies!" America noted and slammed his foot on the gas pedal like his life depended on it... which it kinda did. Canada was just sitting in his seat stiffly, wide eyes and had a certain Mexican clinging onto his arm like a little girl. Greenland was having fun, like America, and was yelling "Whoohooo!" or "Go faster Mer!" To that last one, America did that. "Ask and ye shall recieve!" America yelled in response to Greenland's shouts of enjoyment.

     America wove through the cars on the street and got onto the highway, still being followed by the officers. Mexico and Canada were rapidly yelling and screaming things in French or Spanish, probably a lot of terrified cussing. Meanwhile, Greenland and America were having the time of their lives. Soon enough, Greenland also joined in on the rapid fire of terrified cussing, once America decided to do a 180 and drive in the direction against traffic. That made the Officers job a LOT harder, since they're not sure that it'll end well if they try what America did.

     In the car with the officer's, Vietnam at the wheel and Russia in the passenger seat. Finland and Kazakhstan in the back. Vietnam was grinning as they also did a 180 to go against traffic, making everyone else, even Russia, scream in pure terror. Kazakhstan had to close his eyes and hug a cussing Finland to not freak the fuck out. Finland wasn't enjoying this either, he now understood the true meaning of bad driving. Vietnam just drove like they were driving away from a horde of zombies or something, but the worst part is that they were enjoying every second of it.

      Russia had his phone in one of his hands, as Vietnam was chasing Emathron, and Germany was on the other line. "RUSSIA!? WHAT IS HAPPENING?" Germany yelled through the speaker, concerned yet intrigued. "Nothing Germany! Just a chase on the highway with Vietnam driving!" Russia yelled back, "Also thanks for that address that... what was his name Mr. Lima? Yeah, thanks for handing the info he told you to us!" Russia heard Germany squeak a 'No problem!' before hanging up. Then the chaotic and messy car chase resumed.

     Little did the officers know, Canada knew what happened during the call. Canada's eyes widened and he cussed, in English this time, "America! We got a fuckin' traitor!" Canada yelled to America. America was focused but nodded to show he was paying attention. "PERU SOLD US OUT RIGHT AFTER WE LEFT! THAT MOTHER FUUUuudger," Canada informed everyone, America snickered at Canada's avoidance of swearing.

     Greenland smacked America's right arm, glaring at the idiotic genius, "UNITED STATES OF FUCKING AMERICA!" Greenland yelled at America, "PERU SOLD US OUT, AND YOU TOLD US TO TRUST HIM!" America flinched but kept up a smile. "Chill Greenland," America countered, "I knew he would eventually, why do you think I suggested a second hide out?" Greenland opened her mouth to argue, but couldn't think of anything; so, she just folded her arms and glared at the cars in front of them, in the chaotic chase.

     Mexico, still panicked, yelled at America, "Look, I know we're driving like maniacs for our freedom, but can't you slow down?!" America shook his head, grinning from ear to ear. Mexico then burst out in Spanish cussing, again, but in anger and not panic. Canada sighed and closed his eyes, tired of the deafening shouts and screams. America reached his hand over to the cars radio and turned on a pop station. Then America started screaming his heart out to the song 'Paint the Town Red' by Doja Cat.

     Vietnam, driving almost as crazily as America, was humming their national anthem as they chased the criminals. Russia was gripping the interior car handle with both hands, knuckles white, clearly not used to this kind of driving. Kazakhstan wasn't hugging a cussing Finland anymore, but he definitely joined Finland in the cussing. Finland, for once, was experience real fear of something... He's probably never going to let Vietnam drive ever again after this.

     But when Emathron got off the highway, without any indication that they were planning to no turn signal because America thinks that's a dumb idea in this situation, Vietnam couldn't follow quick enough. So, Vietnam just parked the car on the edge of the highway and sighed. "Well," Vietnam whispered, "Guess we're just gonna head to the East Plateau and look for Emathron," Russia's grip on the car handles did not loosen at all, but he nodded. "Uh... Do you mind if we switch Vietnam?" Kazakhstan asked nervously, Vietnam shrugged and nodded, then opened the door and carefully switched places.

     Then, with Emathron having a head start, both groups drove to the East Plateau. Where a new character sits on his outdoor porch with a cup of hot chocolate, looking at the desolate winter wasteland.


Sorry it's shorter, got lazy

Fun Fact:

Canada was only worried about Greenland driving in chapter 3, and not America in this chapter, because he knows America has enough idiotic experience to know how to avoid running into cars when going against traffic... but Greenland has a history of running into cars at stoplights and, somehow, when she puts the car in park in a parking lot.

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