Chapter 1: Strange plans

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Chapter 1: Strange plans

Picture of Nolan (:

Nolan's POV

"Nolan!" Hawk eye, my physics teacher, glared, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I knew what was coming next, so I made every attempt to avoid her gaze.

"Nolan," She repeated. Here it comes... "Would you like to answer the question I just asked?"

I wanted to say 'no'. In fact, I shook my head, but that just intensified her glare.

Sighing, I stood up. She was one of those few adults that demanded the be treated like they were immortal, making sure students stood up when talking to her and never calling her by her first name, unlike most women her age.

"Can you repeat the question?" I asked shakily.

"Now, now," She tsked. "If you were listening, which I'm sure you were, you wouldn't need to hear the question again, would he class?"

The imbeciles shook their heads, some even went to the extent of voicing their opinions: "If he's the smartest in the class, he wouldn't need to think twice before answering."

Stupid sadists.

"I, uh-" I was interrupted by the sound of the bell. But I knew that the term 'saved by the bell' wouldn't apply in this situation.

Everyone knew that even the bell could not and would never be able to interrupt this woman's class. She called the shots and it didn't help that she was friends with the principal.

"Nolan," She called. "Answer me or detention for a week," She threatened.

It was unreasonable, but she definitely had that power.

I stammered, turning around for any kind of help. It was futile, the students either didn't like me enough to help me out or were just too dumb to know the answer.

I don't mean to sound cocky, but it was definitely the latter.

Just when all hope seemed lost, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I immediately stiffened.

"The answer is 546.24 joules," The owner of the hand whispered.

"546.24 joules," I said aloud, making Mrs. Holt glare again before muttering, "Whatever."

"You're dismissed," She announced and everyone rushed out.

I followed suit, trying to avoid thanking the boy who had helped me. He wasn't always in my physics class, but sometimes our schedules clashed.

Stupid new kid.

Unfortunately, he deemed it fit to walk up to me.

"Hi," He greeted as he bounced on the balls of his feet.

"Hey," I replied, trying to get over the palpitations he had given me. "Thanks for helping me out in class."

He smiled and nodded. "It's alright, besides it was 646 not 546. Thank God she didn't notice."

Now it was my turn to grin and I felt the cocoon of butterflies in my stomach burst open.

Ever since he came, he had been sending me subtle signals that made me think he liked me.

Watching him walk away only increased my heart rate.

"Stop staring," A voice, Emily's, snapped me out of the reverie Nasir kept me in.

"I wasn't staring," I scoffed, making my way to the exit with her by my side. "Who told you I like him?"

"Who said anything about you liking anyone?" I rolled my eyes, clearly ignoring her. "You should just follow my advise."

"No," I spat. "Never."

"Nolan," She grabbed my shoulders and turned me so I was now facing her. "You're bisexual-"

Raising my hand, I stopped her from continuing, "No. I just have bisexual tendencies."

I was adamant and was probably never going admit that I liked both sexes.

"Okay. Well, if you want to confirm your sexuality and be sure once and for all, I advise you to take my advice." She stopped me from interrupting her. "Besides what do you have to lose? If you do it, there's a fifty percent chance things would turn out for the best, but if you don't, there's a hundred percent chance that things would remains the same. Bleak."

She was right and I hated it. So, I let her drag me to my car as she ran through her plans once more.


A/N: Hey there, this is my first story and I want to say that I am NOT experienced at all, and because of that, the first few chapters are quite suckish. But, I believe it gets better later on, trust me. I love the story and maybe you would too, so please give this story a chance.

I would appreciate any kind of feedback; constructive and all. And you can even message me if you feel like there's something missing or something that would improve the story.

Please show some love and support also by voting, commenting, sharing and all, it'll mean the world. <3

Thank you for reading this! I'm really excited to start this. I know this is short, but it's sorta like a prologue. I just hope you guys enjoyed it. Well, please vote if you liked it and comment to let me know what you think.

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