Chapter 16: Boner alarm

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Chapter 16: Boner alarm

Picture is of Nolan. Those blue eyes kill me everyday. ^ω^

I also added the video 'T.H.E. (The Hardest Ever)' by WILL.I.AM, because I loved when he said "Imma go hard, like a m**therfuckin boner" and "I woke up in the morning, hard like morning wood in the morning.." To me, it goes with the beginning of this chapter.

Read the not-so-important A/N at the end.

So, on with the story. :)

Nolan's POV

To be honest, I had never cuddled and I never expected it to feel this amazing. Somehow, we had gotten out of our spooning position; I was now on my stomach, with my legs sprawled out slightly, while one of Nasir's legs was over mine, his upper body was on my back, but not fully. His face was buried in my neck, because overnight he had probably scooted down.

I could feel his warm breath on my neck, that made the hairs on it stand. That wasn't what woke me up though. At times like this, people were usually woken up by the ray of sunlight seeping into their rooms.

I was already half awake and sure enough there was a huge smile on my face until I was fully awakened by the feeling of something hard pressed against the back of my thigh, a little up, so it was also pressed against my ass.

"Please God, let that be his phone or something." I muttered loudly with my husky, sleepy voice even though I knew what it was.

"Hmm?" He murmured sleepily and pressed himself on me harder. Now, I could feel almost every inch of his pulsating member on me.

I pushed him off me, but ended up on the floor with an audible thud that woke him up.

"Huh? Nolan?" He looked at me weirdly "Why are you on the floor?"

I could feel a tingling sensation on my ass where he was pressed against. "You had your thingy on my butt."

"What?" I raised an eyebrow and motioned to his still noticeable woody with my eye. "Oh my God." His cheeks turned an adorable bright red as he adjusted himself so his problem was no longer visible.

"Are you going to take care of that?"

"What?" The look on my face gave away what I was referring to and made him blush even more. "Oh no. I-I don't do that, it'll go down when it's ready."

For some reason, the tingles were now more prominent and were skittering all over my butt, making me slightly uncomfortable. I wiggled my butt on the floor so I wouldn't embarrass myself by touching it.

His stare was not helping matters, as the tingling now felt like he was on me. "Uh, are you okay?"

"Me?" I wiggled again. Damn this feeling. "Sure."

"You sure? You seem a little disturbed." He now had a look of concern on his face, so I sighed and explained everything to him. Besides, we said we would tell each other everything, even the ones that seemed trivial.

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