Chapter 3: Crazy girl

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Chapter 3: Crazy girl

I attached a video "Crazy kids" by Ke$ha and, because i felt it went with this chapter...and Emily is one crazy kid. I'm not so good at picking the right media lol. Oh, and I still have no one to portray Nasir's character, so, I'm open for suggestions :). The person must not necessarily be Arabic.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this slightly longer chapter. :)

Nolan's POV

Emily was crazy!

The pint sized monster sure knew how to get on my nerves.

I had no idea she already set up a visit to Nasir's place, and it shocked me when she pulled me out of the school's building saying she spoke to his sister and we were going to their!

"Emily, do I have to go with you? We already embarrassed ourselves. Doing this would only raise my level of creepiness."

"Shut up. I'm trying to help you."

"Help? The last time you said that, we can were sneaking into someone's house and got caught. Guess what I'm not going anywhere and no one's going to make me," I stomped my foot, punctuating my point.

I cringed as I felt her hands on my face, gripping the sides tightly and pulling it down to meet her eyes.

"You will love me after this."

"I'm actually really serious, I'm not going to his house with you." That was my last statement before I saw myself in front of their house with Emily beaming beside me.

She had a way with words and it pissed me off every time I let her have her way even if it was at my own detriment.

"So, we're just going to stand here and wait for them?" I asked

"No, we're going to walk in. Nabila said their mom's home."

"This is unnecessary, like why are we doing this?"

"To help with your 'bisexual tendencies'" She made air quotes on bisexual tendencies.

"So he's your lab rat?" I questioned. "I'd be offended if anyone chose to experiment with me."

"You said he was giving you signals, right? Well, we're about to see if they're true."

And just when I was about to protest, the door opened, revealing a tall and slender woman with long, silky dirty blond hair and blue eyes.

"Hi," Emily chirped and I rolled my eyes. "We're here to see Nasir."

"Oh," She replied, seemingly shocked. "Well, come in. I'm Michelle, his mom."

"Michelle? You're not Arabic?" Emily snapped me out of my thoughts. I nudged her with my elbow. I didn't want her to ruin our first impression, besides she said in a curious way that seemed rude to me.

"Oh, I'm not,"  She replied.

"Sorry Mrs. Amir, ignore her, she can be rudely curious at times." I said, apologising for Emily's behaviour.

Smiling, she said, "I'm not mad, trust me. You guys can come in," She stepped aside, letting us in before closing the door. "I was busy when you guys arrived and I have to get back to it. Make yourselves at home." She told us and went back to what she was doing upstairs.

I could tell that Emily and Michelle were going to get along just fine.

"Nolan, let's go to their kitchen, I'm starved," My stupid best friend said and my eyes widened.

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