Chapter 24: Bad advisor

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Chapter 24: Bad advisor

It's Friday the 13th, now guess who's playing Jason. xD

This chapter is for tuquila1 because of that amazing message you sent me. I love you <3. Enjoy y'all.

Nasir's POV


My locker was painted pink. I stared at it weirdly, wondering who took their precious time to paint it. One would think they didn't have better things to do.

I told myself I won't let it faze me, since I wasn't ready to relive the past. But the thing was that, this was actually real. How was I supposed to ignore it, when this bright pink locker was staring at me.

I took out my jersey and immediately stripped out of my clothes. While lacing my boots, I heard scurrying outside, so I let curiosity get the best of me.

"Jake?" I asked, shocked. "What are you doing here?"

"I-uh, nothing."

"Okay? Well, I'm going for practice now. Later."

When I got to the field, they had already started practice, but with cones, meaning I hadn't missed much.

"Nasir, you're late," Coach yelled. "Get to your position now."

Cracking my knuckles, I got to my position and warmed up like the others. I caught a few glares from my teammates on the opposing side, but immediately turned my head, pretending I didn't notice.

Casper was on the other team, since we played the same position and this would determine who would be on the starting lineup.

Soccer is a game of contact, but I knew I was getting more than that. Whenever I got the ball, I was immediately tackled to the ground harder than normal.

Sometimes the studs of their boots would slam onto my shin so hard, I could still feel the pain despite having my shin guards on.

Coach blew his whistle when he noticed how rough the game was getting for me.

"What are you boys doing?" He yelled.

"Tackling?" One boy said like it was the most obvious thing.

"Why is everyone tackling only Nasir?" He yelled again, defending me. "That's not the game plan, you fools."

A few of them huffed and glared at me, murmuring, what I thought was curses and threats, under their breath.

Every fibre of my being wanted to turn to Dave and cower behind him, but I wasn't going to put pressure on him by pitting him against the rest of the team just because of my safety.

I shrugged it off and played without a care, wanting to give my all to it so I could get chosen. At least that way, they wouldn't have something to laugh at me with.

Despite coach's yelling and warnings, I still managed to get balls to my face, studs to my gut and unnecessary and really hard tackles.

To put it simply, I was a mess. My white jersey top had grass stains on them and my body was beyond sore.

My team lost the game by one goal, but I scored one of the two goals for my team. The other one coming from Dave.

I limped to the locker room, where coach would announce the starting eleven and the substitutes.

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