Chapter 17: Sick, twisted girl

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Chapter 17: Sick, twisted girl

This is for SuperheroesAndSprite because she's an amazing writer, her story 'Band Camp' made me laugh and 'Blaze' is simply amazing and I love her A/Ns. At least I'm not the only one who talks to much in their A/Ns <3 CX

Picture is of Nasir <33 Excuse me while I crawl under a rock and cry.

Please read the A/N at the end.

Nolan's POV

I tapped my fingers repeatedly on the table, increasing in speed as my patience grew thin. At least, I wasn't the only one who was frustrated. A girl was busy popping her gum, she'd blow and then pop it with her pen. Two guys had their chins in their palms as they tapped their nails on their tables with their other hand.

"You're all free to go." Everyone sighed in relief at the announcement as they scurried out excitedly. I expected the supervisor to release me later since I came in last, but she overlooked it and let me go with the others.

I walked out, hanging my backpack on one shoulder. I was sure Jake would have gone home by now, but I still wanted to check either way.

After I had checked five classes and was on my way to the sixth, a pair of hands covered my eyes. My first guess was Nasir, but these hands were too small and he was at soccer practice. So I went for Emily, but what would she be doing in school this late.

I carefully removed the hands from my face and turned to see Anna, a smirking Anna.

"Anna, what are you doing here?" I didn't even expect anyone to still be at school. Well, except the soccer team and the few people I had detention with.

"I was waiting for you, silly." She punched my arm lightly as if we shared a joke or something. Her weirdness was beginning to disturb me. I thought she was sweet, but now she was letting her infatuation with me be obvious and it was disturbing.

"Oh. You were? Well, that's.." weird and disturbing. "..sweet."

"Uh-huh. So I was thinking we could hang out at my place." She winked flirtatiously as she placed a palm on my chest and let it linger there.

"I actually have somewhere to be. So, maybe another time." I said and backed away.

"Is it that girl you're seeing?"

"Huh?" I was confused for a moment until I realized I had told her I was seeing someone. "Oh no, she's busy now. I just have to get home early."

I rushed off without sparing her a glance. Jake would have to wait till another time.

I called Emily as soon as I got home, telling her to come over.

After a short wait, while rhythmically tapping the back of my phone, the door flew open. With Emily, doors always fly open. I regarded her passively as she ranted on and on about how I was becoming a rascal, just because I got one detention.

"Emily, chill out."

She took a deep breath to reinvigorate. "Sorry, what's up?" she asked when she had regained her composure.

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