Chapter 23: They know

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Chapter 23: They know

Picture is of Casper.

Nasir's POV

"So, if you multiply the product of the sine of the angle and the initial velocity by two and divide the result by the acceleration due to gravity, you'll get the time of flight for the projectile," Nabila explained as she scribbled the solution on my note.

"Mhm," I muttered as I nodded in fake understanding.

I watched as she continued writing the solutions before she slammed the pen down on the note. "Ha!" She exclaimed. "I am so good at this," she bragged before turning to me. "So you understand what I explained right?"

"Of course," I lied. Why do I need to understand any of it when I had a sister who was good at it and was willing to help me, just so she could prove herself?

"Okay. So what's the answer to the question I asked you?"

"Er, six seconds?" I guessed.

"Wrong. It's six point one-three-five seconds," She said, with her arms in the air like it was the most obvious thing ever. "This is physics, not math. You don't just round off the numbers behind the decimal to a while number."

"Never mind, I'll just ask Nolan to explain it to me. You're a bad teacher."

"Nolan?" She snorted. "That guy doesn't know jack in physics."

"Whatever." I ended the conversation when I noticed the car had come to a stop in the school's lot.

Nabila rushed out from her side, while I shoved my notes in my bag and said a quick goodbye to the driver before I stepped.

Rolling my eyes at the building, I walked slowly towards it. I spotted Nolan, who had probably seen me first because of the lopsided grin he flashed me.

I changed my direction to his car, as he walked towards me, with his fingers playing with the straps of his backpack.

We met halfway and before any of us could say anything, Emily rushed in between us and faced me.

"They know, Nasir," She started. "They fucking know." She continued repeating it like a chant as she turned from me to Nolan.

"Woah, Emily." I grabbed her shoulders to stop her from turning. "Who knows what?"

"They know, Nasir. They know," She repeated.

"Emily, who knows what?" Nolan asked this time, as she was scaring the both of us with her franticness.

"They know," She said again.

We both groaned in frustration.

"Emily, relax and tell us what who knows," I said calmly, like I was talking to a child.

She inhaled, "They know you're gay."

My eyes instantly widened and I saw Nolan's face become pale.

"They-they-they kn-know what?" Nolan struggled with his words with fear in his eyes and his fingers that were once playing with his straps, were now shaking at his sides.

"Nasir, they know you're gay," Emily said. "I don't know how, but you're the only one that was outed. Nolan, on the other hand wasn't mentioned."

I exhaled in relief, while Nolan stared at her in confusion, which was meant to be vice versa. I didn't mind being outed, I had handled the bullying before, even when I hadn't discovered my sexuality. Nolan, on the contrary, would not be able to.

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