Chapter 35: Shattered Heart

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Chapter 35: Shattered Heart

This ought to be interesting.

I attached 'Back To December' by Taylor Swift. The feels. Enjoy and prepare yourself for what's ahead.

This is the last chapter BTW and the reality hasn't fully dawned on me yet.

Nolan's POV


That was the fourth time he had turned me down. But now, I was more determined than ever because the first three times, he didn't even deem me worthy to talk to, so if he managed to throw one word my way, I must have pushed past his patience line.

Nabila wasn't going to help me, neither was Emily. Jake had offered his, but I really wanted to do this myself so I turned him down.

When Emily told me all I needed to do was talk, I wondered how I was going to talk to him when I couldn't even find the right words to emphasize my heartfelt apology.

From the first time I had set eyes on him, I knew it was another silly crush, which was an effect of my 'bisexual tendencies', but after Emily's push to confirm my sexuality by kissing me, I knew it wasn't just 'bisexual tendencies'.

A part of me, my unreasonable self, wanted to blame Emily. It wanted to accuse her of bringing this upon me because if I had just let it pass, none of this would have happened. Hell, maybe Anna wouldn't be a psycho and maybe she would have asked me out and I would have said yes stupidly, just to prove that I wasn't bisexual.

Still, I hadn't been able to say anything to Nasir. Anytime I walked up to him, he would simply give me the cold shoulder.

Today, however, when I walked up to him, the first thing he said was, "No," so a part of me was going to believe that I had made progress because this whole thing was getting exhausting as I didn't like being a clingy pest, but this was necessary; so if I had to be a leech, so be it.

My ideas on how to approach him were almost exhausted and it was only a matter of time until I had to give in and use Emily's. My train of thought was altered when I bumped into Anna.

"Watch it, Carson." She snarled with narrowed eyes.

Strangely, a part of me was still petrified at the sight of her, but I wasn't going to show it. She had done enough, so I countered, "We're going by last names now, Austin?"

She eyed me. "You think you're something now, huh?" She chuckled to herself. "You're still the same depressed, lonely rat you were a month ago."

I had better things to do, so I shook my head and turned away from her. Crazy, I thought, but I couldn't care less.

The cafeteria was rowdy when I walked in. Scanning the place for familiar faces, I sighted Nasir sitting with two of his soccer teammates and his sister. Emily was with Jake and I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. My stupidity had brought them together and now they were getting really close.

Flopping down beside Emily, I brought out my third canned drink of the day and despite the detriment, I gulped it.

"You do realize we're like best friends, right?" I heard Emily say and I instinctively replied with a, "Yes."

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