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he needs tutoring
she needs money
his friend gets him a tutor
her brother gets her a job at his club
she's good in school
he's got no time for school which results in bad grades
he doesn't want to accept a tutor at first
she finds him annoying at first but does it for the money

Maëlys' (+ some of Mason's and the rest of the families') background:

Maëlys, nickname Lee, was born in Liverpool and lived there 'til she was 9.

Her birth-father Caleb (English) was an abusive asshole (mostly to her mother but also her though not as much).

Her mother Samira (Cameroonian) divorced Caleb and gained full custody.

She also got police involved and after a monthlong process/trial Maëlys' birth-father got sentenced with 3 years of prison.

Her mother met Mason's father Keith a year later when he was on a work trip.

Both started dating and fell in love.

(Mason's mum died of a disease only a few weeks after his birth.)

After 6-7 months of dating Samira and Keith decided to move in together.

She thought it would be a good idea for her and her daughter to move to Sunderland (where Mason and his father lived, in this fanfic).

Samira didn't feel comfortable in Liverpool anymore because of her ex-husband, even though he was still in prison.

Maëlys didn't want to leave her friends at first but she understood and also appreciated the decision. If it were up to her, she would have already moved immediately after her birth-father was sent to prison.

Her and Mason almost immediately became fond of each other.

He started looking out for her, especially in school, and made sure no one would hurt her.

Since they're only about two and a half years apart in age they never had any difficulties with each other.

Maëlys adored her "new" brother and "new" father and easily felt at home which made her mother very happy.

Today she and Mason don't care at all that they're not related by blood and love each other like "real" siblings.

After 3 years of being a couple Mason's father proposed to Samira on New Year's Eve and the got married in late summer (in September) of the following year.

Both Maëlys and Mason grew up with football.

Both played football since the were little but she stopped when she was 14 while he focused on his plan of becoming a professional footballer.

They always bickered around about football since both were supporting different teams. She supported Liverpool while he supported Sunderland.

When he turned 14, Mason was offered the opportunity to enroll in the Sunderland academy and obviously he took it.

(Let's just pretend Mason grew up in Sunderland and always played for them for this story. I mean it's called fan fiction for a reason.)

Maëlys has always been good in school and almost everything just came easier to her.

She is now in her last year of school and has the goal of going to university in London afterwards studying sports communication.

She always wanted to do something with football in her live and now she wants to be a sports commentator like for example Kate Abdo (maybe work for Sky, Cbs, etc.), or just work in sports media in general.

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