chapter 42

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➪ belong together - mark ambor


Two weeks later:

Maëlys' pov:

As I'm just finishing up my blush I hear the door bell ring. I'm pretty sure it's Jobe. I texted him about 20 minutes ago he could come over since he promised to pick me up for the dance.

I get back to my makeup trying to finish it as quick as possible so I can make my way downstairs. About ten minutes later I'm done and only have to put on some perfume. After slipping on my heels I put everything I need into my purse before I walk out of my room and down the hallway.

As I get downstairs I can already see Jobe in the living room talking to my parents. Hearing my heels click on the floor when I walk into the room they turn their heads towards me.
"Oh sweetie, you look so beautiful", my mum tells me with a smile.
"Thank you", I smile back.
"Your mother is right, you're really pretty. You look like a princess", my dad says making me giggle.

Jobe on the other hand doesn't say anything at first. The second his eyes fall on me they widen and his jawn drops down.
"Wow", is all he gets out.
I chuckle while I walk closer to where he's sitting. Jobe quickly collects himself and stands up.
"You look unbelievable. I'm literally speechless because you look so beautiful", he admits making me giggle again.

"Thank you. You don't look too bad either. Really handsome I'd say", I reply as I lift my hands up to smooth out his jacket.
He's wearing a black Prada suit with a white button up underneath. And god, he looks so good in it. I think Jobe in a suit is my new favourite thing. If my parents weren't here I don't think I could control myself.

As he leans down to kiss me I pull away before his lips touch mine. My reaction makes him send me a confused look.
"I just did my lip combo. I love you but please don't destroy it", I tell him.
"Alright, I won't", he chuckles before he lifts my braids off my left shoulder and presses a kiss on my neck along with a second one on my shoulder.

"That okay?"
"Yes", I smile while he carefully puts his hands on my waist as if the dress will dissolve the moment he touches it. His eyes wonder up and down my body once again.
"God, I'm so lucky", he whispers. Looking up at him I have to smile and blush at his comment.
"Me too", I whisper back.

"Are you two ready to go or do you want to keep staring at each other and make us all miss your dance?", I hear Mason asks teasingly. As I look to my side my view falls onto him and Jolina walking into the room all dressed up.
As a response to his question I just hold up my middle finger into his direction.

"Maëlys, don't flip off your brother", my mum scolds me making Mason laugh.
"He had it coming", I shrug before I take Jobe's hand, "Come on, let's go."
Together we make our way to the front door of the house and my parents, my brother and Joley follow in behind.

While they get into our family car in the garage Jobe and I walk up to his. As soon as we're inside he grabs something from the back seat.
"Okay, first, I got you these flowers. I just forgot to take them into your house with me", he chuckles as he hands me a beautiful bouquet of red roses and white tulips and also white peonies.

"J, these are beautiful. And it also smells amazing. Thank you so much", I return with a big smile on my face.
"You're welcome. But that's not all. I also got you this", he says and pulls out a little what seems to be a jewelry box. As he puts it into my hands I recognize the Vivienne Westwood brand logo.

I look up at him with wide eyes before they fall onto the jewelry box again.
"Open it", Jobe chuckles.
I do what he requests and take the lid off the box. Inside is a small bag with the logo on it once again. I pull it open and take out a gold necklace with the typical charm of the brand dangling from the chain.

"Jobe, oh my god, you actually got me the necklace", I say while my eyes start to tear up. I've been obsessing with this exact necklace since even before him and I started dating. And I've been telling Jobe about it every chance I get. I can't believe he bought it for me.

"Is this real?"
"Of course it's real, my love", he chuckles again, "I know you love this necklace but you wouldn't get it for yourself. So I got it for you as sort of a graduation present, I guess."
"Thank you so so much. I love it. I love you", I tell him before I pull him in and press my lips on his.
He immediately kisses me back sweetly.

"I thought I wasn't supposed to touch your lips so I won't destroy your makeup", he smirks as we pull apart again.
"I don't care now", I reply and kiss him for a second time.
"Alright, let's get going, shall we?", he says after the kiss and starts the car. Jobe then pulls the car onto the street and we make our way to the place where the school dance is held at.


About 20 minutes later:

"You all look absolutely amazing, oh my god. I seriously have the most beautiful friends", I say as soon as Jobe and I reach Kaya, Isabella and Amari.
"We know", Riri smirks, "Thank you for pointing it out though. But have you looked at yourself? You look stunning."
"Thanks, so I've been told", I chuckle and look up at Jobe.

"So have you guys been to the buffet yet? Because I'm pretty hungry and I'd like to eat soon", I tell them.
"Not yet", Kai returns, "Come on, you two can put your jackets at our table and we'll get ourselves food together."
Both Jobe and I agree with her so they lead us to the table. Afterwards we make our way to the buffet and fill our plates with some delicious looking food.

After most people are done with dinner we have a little program which looks back on all the years my classmates and I have been together at the same school. It's mostly photos and videos presented by two students. It's honestly really nice but also funny looking back at the last years.

Another hour or so later my friends and I find ourselves dancing together to the music played by a DJ. We keep laughing while enjoying our evening. After some more songs the DJ decides to play some slow ones. I quickly motion Jobe to come and dance with me who is currently talking to some guys from my class.

"You saved me a dance?", he questions with a smile on his face.
"The more important question is can you dance?", I ask jokingly.
"I guess, you'll have to find out", he smirks.
"Well, as long as you don't dance as bad as you sing I think I'll be fine", I say hinting to the only time I've heard him sing which was his initiation song at Sunderland.

"Why do you always bring that up?", he chuckles, "My singing's not that bad."
"Sure, whatever you say", I giggle, "And now put your hands on me already and dance."
Hearing that a smirk appears on his face.
"And dance. I literally said that as well so wipe that smirk of your face."

"Shut up", he laughs and captures my lips through pressing his own on mine. I just smile into the kiss and while Jobe puts his hands on my waist I wrap mine around his neck. After we pull apart again we start to slowly dance along to the song.

As I look into his eyes I can only think about how crazy in love I am with this man. It's funny to think about how simple tutoring ended up with the two of us dating. But I'm so glad it did. Right now I can't imagine my life without him. And hopefully I'll spend the rest of it with him.

"I love you, J", I tell him quietly so only he can hear it. As soon as he hears it a smile forms on his face.
"I love you too. I always will."


so ig this is it.
this was the final chapter.
i thought about making another one or two in between but i feel like this ending fits way better than dragging it out.
also, i didn't have the time or ideas to write more ig.
that's probably also why it took me so long to update again because i wanted to give this story the ending it deserves yk.
however, i might write a few bonus chapters🤷🏼‍♀️.
but i'm not sure yet, we'll see ig.
thank you to everybody reading this book, voting for it and leaving comments here and there.
without y'alls support i probably wouldn't have continued the story after a few chapters or at least not finished it.
for everyone that wants to read more about some characters of this story feel free to check out my jude book.
anyways, i hope you enjoyed this chapter as well as all the others.
see you maybe soon.
i love you all so much💕

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