chapter 39

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➪ love scammer - billa joe, pajel


The next day:

Amari's pov:

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judebellingham replied to your story


you in london?

i'm here with lee and kai
well and with your brother too since he
invited us

oh cool

i'm also coming to the game tonight so
maybe we'll see each other
would be nice to talk in person again yk

yeah sure ig
not sure how much time i'll have tho🤷🏽‍♂️

i think once the game is over you probably
won't be in a big rush

we'll see


Maëlys' pov:

"See, this is exactly what I meant when I said Jude's texts have been dry", Amari says and shows us her phone screen so Kaya and I can read the messages.
"Nah, what is up with him?", Kai questions.
"I wish I knew", Riri shrugs in response.

"Girl, you should be treated better than this", I tell my friend, "But don't let that dumbass pull down your mood. We're here to shop, aren't we? So let's do that already."
"Lee's right. Come on, Riri. You choose where we go next. We'll deal with Rocky later", Kai jokes making us all laugh.


About two hours later:

We're currently walking through a small bookstore we found not too long ago when my phone starts ringing. As I pull it out of my bag I see Jobe's contact name on the screen.

"Hey, baby", I say after answering the call, "Why you calling?"
"Hi, babe. I'm calling to ask if you guys have eaten anything yet", he tells me.
"We actually haven't. But we planned on finding some place for food after we're finished in the store we're at right now", I explain.

"Well, I'm currently with Trent and Marcel and we are hungry too. Why don't we meet up and eat somewhere together?", Jobe proposes.
"Sure, why not. Just let me ask the girls real quick", I reply.
I quickly walk over to where Kaya and Amari are standing looking at some books.

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