chapter 5

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➪ roxanne - arizona zervas


Maëlys' pov:

"Ugh, finally we're finished. This took forever", I say to Kaya.
We just finished preparing the last details and setting everything up with the caterers.
"Yes, you're right. I'm never doing this again", she laughs.
"Not even for my birthday?"
"Maybe, you'll see."

"Alright, anyways, bathroom time. I need to fix this makeup", I say motioning to my face.
"Good idea. I'll come with you and do the same."
Together we head to the girls bathroom.
"You think Amari will like it?"
"Of course, she will. We literally got everything she asked for."
"And we thought we could make this a surprise party."
"True. You literally can't hide anything from that woman", I laugh.

Both of us manage to fix our makeup just a few minutes before the party officially starts.
We both head back to the main room of the bar.
"Alright, Kai, give me a twirl", I tell her.
She does as I say.
She's wearing a tight black dress with feathers on the bottom.

She's wearing a tight black dress with feathers on the bottom

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"You look hot."
"I better. I invited Isa."
"Isabella. The girl from the cafe, remember?"
"You're inviting her to Riri's birthday as the first date?"
"Third actually."
I pull up my eyebrows in surprise.

"Okay, you go girl", I reply.
Kaya smiles and giggles at me in excitement.
"So what about you? Excited to see Jobe?"
Dramatically I roll my eyes.
"He's not that bad, you know. At least he didn't seem it earlier today. And his eyes were on you almost all the time, just so you know", she wiggles her eyebrows.
I just shake my head laughing and turn away from her.
"Let's just focus on Riri tonight and not your and her theories about my love life, alright?"
"Yeah, yeah", she chuckles.


Jobe's pov:

After Abdy picked me up we are headed to the bar. I've got to say, the nickname Maëlys' friend gave him earlier today, is really growing on me.

"So, you excited to see Maëlys again?", he asks with his eyes still on the road.
"What are you getting at?"
"Well, you seem to try pretty hard to get on her good side."
"I do want to get on her good side. From the little time I've spend with her, I can say I wouldn't mind being friends with her. But it's not like you think, so get this theory out of your head."
"Whatever you say, mate", he chuckles.

Just a few minutes later we walk through the front door of the bar. Mason told us to meet him inside. Even though there are already a bunch of people at the party, we manage to find him pretty quickly.

"There you guys are. Come on, I'll take you to the birthday girl", he says the moment we reach him. Without arguing both Abdy and me follow him through the crowd over to the main bar.

"Riri, these are my friends Jobe and Abdoullah. You've met them briefly about a month ago. Though I think that meeting was overshadowed by my friend here spilling his drink over my sister", he tells her while putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Did you really have to bring that up?", I glare at him.

"Don't worry, if he didn't, I surely would've", Maëlys steps to her friend's side and smirks at me making me roll my eyes.
"Good to see you too, Bellingham", she chuckles.

Looking down at her, I take in her outfit for the night. She's wearing a white dress, which ends just over her knees, with sleeves that are full of rhinestones. The colour of the dress fits perfectly with her skin tone. She looks stunning.

"You seriously have to stop with the staring

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"You seriously have to stop with the staring. It's getting creepy."
Back from my thoughts, I chuckle at her comment and scratch the back of my neck slightly nervous.

"Ignore her", I say and turn back to the rest, "Happy birthday, Amari, right?"
"Yes, thank you. Call me Riri though, everybody does."
"Okay, sure", I nod.


Maëlys' pov:

The next hour passes by and everyone is enjoying themselves. A few people come and go.
Riri, Kai and I are having a blast. I seriously have the best friends.
Right now we've put our drinks down and are dancing with each other.

As I look through the crowd my eyes fall on someone. My smile immediately fades and I stand still. My friends notice and stop dancing as well.
"What's wrong", Kaya asks.
"He's here."
"Who's here?", Amari wants to know.
"Darien", I say and point at him.
"I'm gonna punch him. Why does he think he has any right to be here?", Kai says angrily. She looks like she's ready to start a fight.

Holding her back I shake my head.
"No, I'll deal with him and get him out of here."
"You sure you don't need our help?"
"No, I can handle it. You please enjoy your birthday."
Slowly I walk away from them, over to my ex.


this chapter is rather short i guess🤷🏼‍♀️.
but i wanna leave you on a little cliffhanger
next chapter you'll see how the talk between maëlys and darien will turn out.
see you then.
love yous💕

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