chapter 9

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➪ good days - sza


About a month later:

Maëlys' pov:

"Mason, what is taking you so long? Stop hogging the bathroom", I yell while banging my hand against the door.
A few days ago, my shower broke. Don't ask me how, but it did. It has yet to be fixed, so Mason and I have to share his bathroom in the meantime. It's exhausting. Never believe a man when he tells you he only needs ten minutes. He's lying.

A few minutes later my brother finally exits the bathroom. Instead of saying anything I just brush past him into the bathroom.
"Good morning to you t-", he starts before I cut him off by slamming the door shut.
Since I have little time I quickly take a shower and get ready for school.

After I'm finished I make my way downstairs for some breakfast. I grab myself a bagel and hurry to the toaster. I take a knife and cut the bagel through the middle before putting each half into the toaster.

"Good morning, honey, why are you in such a hurry?"
The voice comes from my dad who's just entering the kitchen with Mason trailing behind.
"Ask your son. He's the one who takes ages in the bathroom."
Mason gasps fake-shocked while our dad just laughs.

"No need to rush, Lee. I'll drive you. I have to run some errands anyway so I can drop you off at school", dad tells me.
"Oh god, thank you, you're the best."
"You're welcome. And now sit down and take your time to eat your breakfast."
I do as he says and join him and my brother at the dining table.

"Lee, I've got some tickets for the game tonight. I got one for Jolina and the club gave me three extra tickets. Do you wanna go? You can take Kaya and Amari if you want", Mason asks me as I spread some cream cheese on each bagel half.
"Sure. I'll ask them at school. And I'd love to see Jolina again."
"Okay, well, text me when you've asked them. I'll give you the tickets now though because I can't tell you if I'll see you again before the game", he says and slides the tickets over the table.
"Thanks", I say and put the tickets in my backpack.


Yawning I sit down next to my friends after I arrived at our usual spot where we hang out before class starts.
"Morning", I greet them.
"Good morning, how you doing?", Kaya replies.
"Tired. But other than that I'm fine."
"How's life sharing a bathroom with Mason treating you", Amari asks with a smug smile on her face.
As a response I just give her the evils.
"I'm guessing not good according to her face", Kaya tells Amari while giggling.

"Let's just say, my shower better get fixed quickly", I tell them, "But at least he gave me something in return. Look at what he got me."
I take the game tickets out of my bag and wave them in front of their faces.
"He seriously got you tickets as an apology?"
"Well, technically not. He intended to get one for his girlfriend but the club gave him four. So Mason told me I can have them and get to invite you two. You guys want to go? The game's tonight at eight."

"Sure. We'd love to. Right, Riri?"
"Of course, gives me a chance to see Abdoullah again", she replies with a smirk.
"I thought you had a crush on Jude", I say to her while pulling up an eyebrow.
"I still do. But a girl has to keep her options open", Riri shrugs.
Both me and Kai laugh at her answer.

"Do you just want to come back to my house right after school? We can eat something, get ready there and then leave for the stadium together", I propose to them.
"That's a good idea, I'm in."
"Yeah, me too", Kai nods along.

"Okay, nice. I guess we'll meet up with Jolina in front of the stadium then so we can get to our places together."
"We're gonna sit with her?", Riri asks making me nod, "That's great. She's such a sweet girl, I'm excited to see her again."
"True. How did your brother pull her and why didn't I meet her before him?", Kai says making us laugh.
"Can't tell you that. But I already texted her and she said she's excited to see us as well."

Just then the bell rings telling us we have to make our way to our first lesson of the day.


Timeskip to the evening:

All three of us stand in my bathroom in front of the mirror finishing up our makeup. My shower might not work at the moment but at least my bathroom still has the best lighting.
In the background my speaker is blaring my signature R'n'B playlist, currently playing some SZA.

"Lee, how's the tutoring going by the way. You haven't complained about it recently. Something about that doesn't really sit right with me", Kaya says.
"It's been alright, you know. Jobe's making progress, not gonna lie. And we've been getting along pretty good, I guess", I answer her trying to hide a smile that's creeping onto my face.

"Oh my god, Kai, have you seen that almost-smile?", Riri comments.
"Yes, I have. Maëlys Brooks, do you like our lovely Bellingham?"
"What?! No, I don't. Well, I do like him, but just as a friend", I reply maybe a bit too fast.
"Sure, whatever you say, sweetie."
Both of them look at each other and start giggling making me playfully roll my eyes.

We finish getting ready, taking our bags and head downstairs. My mom kindly offered to drive us to the stadium. After we put on our shoes and jackets we all follow her outside to the car before getting in.


chapter 9 is finished😮‍💨.
it's probably not that excited but it's supposed to be more like a filling chapter i guess🤷🏼‍♀️.
hope you still enjoyed it though.
don't forget to comment and vote.
see you in the next one.
love yous💕

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