chapter 10

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➪ city lights - jaywop


Maëlys' pov:

"Guys, Jolina is over there."
Both Amari and I follow the direction Kaya is pointing with our eyes making us easily locate my brother's girlfriend. Walking towards her makes her see us as well.
"Hey, guys, there you are. It's so good to see you again. How are you all?", she asks before giving each of us a hug.

Even though Jolina is already 20, we still get along great. My friends and I adore her as if she's our big sister. She and Mason also make such a cute couple. They've been dating for at least a year now and, I swear to god, they're always so sweet with each other. I'm really glad they've found one another.

"We're doing good. What about you?", I ask while smiling at her.
"Had a bit of a rough day at work but it's fine since I have the day off tomorrow", she replies.
"Can I have some of that free day?", Kai says implying she does not want to go to school.
Her comment makes us all chuckle.

"Should we already go inside?", Riri wants to know.
"Sure, let's go", I answer her with the other two girls nodding along.
"Oh, before I forget it, here", Jolina says and hands each of us what looks like a VIP pass.
"Are those VIP passes?"
"Yeah. Mason told me to give them to you guys since he forgot to do it himself. They allow us to get on the pitch after the game."
"Nice. Thanks, Jolina", Kai replies.
"You're welcome. Let's get inside now, shall we?"


We manage to find our places pretty quickly. As we have some time left before the game starts I offer to get some drinks for the four of us.
After they all agree, I make my way to one of the Kiosks. As I'm waiting in line I receive a message.

It's from an unknown number and says 'I miss you, Lee'. I know it's from Darien since it's not the first time I've received a text like that. He's been trying to contact me now at least once a week since a few days after Riri's birthday. I haven't told anybody about it yet but it's only been messages, so there's no need to tell someone, I guess.
Every time he sends me the same stupid message, and every time I block the number it comes from. I don't even know how he gets a new number every week.

As always, I don't respond, so he won't get the wrong idea, and just block the number. By the time I put my phone into the back pocket of my trousers, I'm at the front of the line and can order the drinks. Only a few moments later I receive them and pay for them before I head back to our seats just in time for the start of the game.


It just hit the 78th minute and the game was still at a draw without a goal from either side. The Sunderland boys have been playing a real strong game against their opponents.

Just then Ekwah is able to get the ball away from one of the Leeds players. He manages to nudge the ball towards Neil with his foot. Neil then starts running with it before quickly passing it to Pritchard. He on the other side immediately passes it back to the still running Neil.

He crosses over the pitch before passing the ball on to Huggins who again passes it backwards to Neil again. The midfielder then tries to bring the ball into the box with a chip. This pass seems to be cleared by a Leeds player at first, but it lands at Pritchard who heads it towards the goal.

I haven't noticed him run there but Jobe's at the right position at the right time. He manages to head the ball past Leeds' keeper into the goal before he collides with his opponent.

As the ball hits the back of the net the stadium erupts into cheers.
The four of us all jump up from our seats and scream along with the crowd.
We hug each other and happily jump up and down.

Jobe runs towards the left corner and punches the air out of joy before turning around to high five his teammates.
Since we're seated not too far from the field I can see the big smile plastered on his face, making me smile as well.

"Look at you smiling", Amari teases as everyone settles back in their seats.
"Obviously. Our team just scored."
"No, Jobe scored. Your eyes were just basically glued on him while you had that giddy smile on your face", Kaya agrees with our other friend.
"Shut up", I mumble.

"Why should they shut up? Spill the tea, ladies", Jolina requests.
I want to wave her off and change the topic but Riri and Kai are faster.
"To make the story short, Maëlys' been tutoring Jobe for about a month and a half now. And we think she likes him more than she wants to admit, if you know what I mean", Amari explains and sends a wink to Jolina.

"Riri, you're lucky there are so many people around us. Otherwise I would strangle you right now", I say and send her the evils before turning to Jolina, "She's talking bullshit. I only like him as a friend."
"And of course I'm happy my friend scored for his team", I tell all of them.
I doubt that they'll drop it but at least for now they leave the topic as it is and we continue to watch the rest of the game.


another filler chapter for today.
i just felt the whole scene i have in mind needs the right amount of buildup i guess🤷🏼‍♀️.
i promise i'll make the next one more interesting.
also, i hope you guys understood the way i described the goal.
i tried to keep it as close as possible to the original one.
don't be shy to comment or vote🙏🏼.
see you in the next one.
love yous💕

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