chapter 22

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➪ babydoll - dominic fike


Sabrina Quesada as Isabella "Isa" Ramírez@latina

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Sabrina Quesada as Isabella "Isa" Ramírez
student & works at a cafe

there you have the face claim for isabella.
hope you like it.
sabrina is such a beautiful woman😮‍💨.
in my imagination isabella is a latina so i wanted to give her a latina face claim as well🤷🏼‍♀️.
and before anybody asks, sabrina is mexican.


Three days later:

Maëlys' pov:

As I walk down the stairs I hear shouting coming from the living room. I'm just on my way to the kitchen to make myself some dinner. Our parents are out on a date night and Mason invited Abdoullah and Jobe over, so we don't have a our usual family only dinner tonight and I need to cook for myself.

"There's no way that's not offside", my brother says loudly in an annoyed voice.
"It is, at least that's what the game says. And I'm not complaining", I hear Jobe reply as I walk towards the living room. Looking at the TV I see they're playing fifa and Jobe's one goal up while Mason has none.
Speaking of Jobe, today is the first day that I see him in person since the night of our kiss. We've texted in between but not much.

"What's up you guys?", I say drawing their attention to me.
Mason quickly pauses the game and turns to me again.
"Hey, Lee, you're good?", he asks.
"Yeah, got a question though. Have you guys eaten something yet?"
"Nah, we planned on ordering food later. Why you asking?", my brother answers my question.

"Well, I'm really craving a lasagne right now. But making a lasagne for one person seems stupid. So, if you guys want any, I could make some for all of us. It would be a win-win because I get my lasagne and you wouldn't have to order something", I tell them.
"You guys down for lasagne?", he asks after turning to his friends.
"For sure", Abdy replies while Jobe nods along.
"We would gladly take you up on that offer", Mason tells me.

"Alright, I'll tell you when it's ready", I reply. Turning away from them I make my way to the kitchen while the boys continue their game.


Jobe's pov:

The game between Mason and I ends in a 2-2 draw. I hand my controller over to Abdoullah and stand up from the couch.
"I'm gonna get myself a water. You guys go on and play another match", I tell them.
"Okay, do that. There should be some bottles in the fridge. If not, just ask Maëlys", Mason says in return.
Walking past them I make my way to the kitchen.

As I enter I see some ingredients already lying on the counter. Maëlys turns around from her place in front of the fridge, after she probably heard my footsteps, and smiles at me.
"Hey", I speak first.
"Hi", she returns, "Do you need anything or did you come here to stare at me?"
"I actually came to get some water. Though I wouldn't mind staring at you", I tell her with a smirk.
As she turns back to the fridge she giggles and I catch the blush on her face.

She takes some vegetables and a bottle of water out of the fridge before closing it. I start walking towards her while she puts everything down on the counter of the kitchen island.
"There you go", she says and hands me the water.
"Thank you."
I unscrew the lid of the bottle and take a sip of the water before closing it again and setting it down on the kitchen island.

Leaning back on the counter behind her Maëlys watches my movements. I turn around to face her and step a bit closer while sending her a soft smile.
"There's no way they can see us, right?", I ask referring to my friends in the living room.
"As long as they don't walk in here or suddenly learn how to see through walls, no", she returns.

I put my hand on the side of her neck and run my thumb along her jawline. After staring into her eyes my own fall down to her lips. I then lean down and press my lips onto her soft ones. Almost immediately she returns the action and kisses me back. I put my free hand on her waist and feel her bare skin due to her wearing a crop top.

As a response she places both her hands on my chest. Slowly she slides them up to my shoulders before putting them around my neck pulling me closer, all while never breaking the kiss.

As we pull apart again both of us smile at the other. I notice Maëlys' eyes fall down to my lips before she lets out a giggle.
"What?", I question her.
"Some of my lipbalm has transferred onto your lips. Since it is tinted they are slightly red now", she chuckles. She then reaches up and wipes over my lips with her finger.
"Leave it, I don't care", I say after grabbing her hand and pulling it away from my face.

"You sure?", she asks.
"I am. I don't need to hide the fact that I kissed you", I reply.
"Did you tell Mason or Abdy yet?"
As a response I shake my head.
"Have you told anyone at all?"
"Only Jude", I tell her, "What about you?"
"I told Riri and Kai but that's all. Should we tell Mason though? I mean he's my brother and your friend. I don't want him to get mad and ruin this", she says and motions between us.

"I know he doesn't mind", I tell her.
"How can you be so sure about it?"
"Because he said so. When he found out I have feelings for you a few weeks ago, he said he's fine with it as long as you feel the same way and I don't hurt you. Which I never will, so we're good. He's gonna find out at some point anyway, so why rush it?", I shrug.
"You're probably right", she smiles at me before pecking my lips.


chapter 22 finished🤝🏼.
today you get more of a i guess chilled and sweet chapter.
something cute in between yk🤷🏼‍♀️.
i hope you enjoyed it.
don't be silent readers pls🙏🏼.
see you in the next one.
love yous💕

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