chapter 1

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➪ backoutsideboyz - drake


Maëlys' pov:

When Mason comes home from training I am sat down on the couch with Kaya and Amari as we're watching The Rookie. I finally convinced them both to watch the show cause it's seriously awesome. I mean I wouldn't be watching it for the third time if I didn't like it.

Mason drops his bag on the side of the couch and lets himself fall down onto it next to me.
"Let me guess, The Rookie?"
"Of course", I grin.
"What did she promise you guys?", he asks my friends.
"Pizza. It should arrive in a few", Amari interrupts Kaya telling the truth.

Just then the door bell rings.
"It's like they heard us", Amari jokes.
"I'll get it."
I stand up from the couch and run to the kitchen real quick to grab some money before I make my way to the front door.
After opening the door I am handed the two pizza boxes. In return I give the money plus some tip to the delivery guy. I tell him goodbye, close the door and walk back into the living room.

"There you go", I say and place one pizza box on the coffee table in front of Kai and Riri. I then sit down on the couch in my former place while still holding my pizza.
"I hope you're hungry cause I probably won't finish this alone."
"I thought you'd never ask", my brother replies eagerly.

As we all eat our pizzas we continue watching the show and chat for a bit.
About an hour later Amari and Kaya are being picked up by their parents so we say our goodbyes. Mason then helps me to clean up the living room and we bring the rubish to the kitchen so we can throw it away.

"Oh, wait, before I forget it. I might have found you a job. And I don't mean another babysitting gig."
"Really, what is it?"
"No, I will not tutor some little kid just because they're one of teammates children. I love kids, but in that age group they can be really stubborn."
"Well, shouldn't you know all about stubbornness?", Mason comments jokingly.
"Shut up, Mase", I reply and slightly slap the side of his head before he can duck away.

"That's not what I mean. The tutoring would be for one of my teammates. One of my friends to be specific."
As an answer I just pull up one eyebrow and shoot him a questioning look.
"Jobe needs some help. He hasn't finished school yet and his grades have been shit since he had to play so much in the last couple of weeks. Please, he really needs you."
"But I don't like him."
"You've met him once."
"Yeah, and that one time was enough."
"Maëlys, come on."
"He literally spilled coke all over my shirt."
"You're seriously still mad at him because of that? For gods sake, stop always holding a grudge over people for stupid reasons."
"Still", I say and cross my arms.
Mason just sighs and shakes his head while chuckling.

"Fine, let's try this again. Will you tutor Jobe for a steady paycheck?"
"Why didn't you start with this. I would have said yes a long time ago."
"God, you're unbelievably", he laughs.
I just shrug at it.

"So how much does it pay?"
"I don't know yet. One of Jobe's teachers said that they need to talk to your school first to confirm you're the right person for the job I guess. After that they will probably tell me about the money. Don't get your hopes up too high but I'm pretty confident you'll get the job."

"Of course, I'll get it, I'm smart as hell."
"Young lady, what did I tell you about swearing in my house", my mum calls out when she enters the kitchen. She had  just come back from a grocery run.
"And now both of you help me put away the groceries."
Me and Mason just chuckle at each other and go over to help her.

"So, Mason, how was training?"
"It was alright. We've got Leicester away coming up on Tuesday, which won't be easy. But the gaffer's confident we can hold up with them", Mason answers mum.
"You've got this, brother", I say and squeeze his cheek knowing he doesn't like it.
"Get off me." Pushing my hand of his face he walks to the fridge putting the fresh vegetables into one of the drawers.

"All done. You need us for anything else?", I ask her.
"No, sweetie. Seeing that you two already ate, I'll just make some food for me and your dad when he decides to leave his office today. You guys do what you want but remember that you both have to get up early tomorrow, so don't stay up too late."
"Yes, mum", Mason and I respond at the same time making all of us laugh.

After grabbing a new water bottle I make my way up to my room. I take a quick shower, do my skincare and finish off some work for school before I lay down on my bed and put on a film on my laptop. After a while I am feeling tired so I put my laptop away and decide to sleep. Since I've been up the whole day without a nap in between it doesn't take me long to fall asleep.


alright, that's it for the first chapter.
i know nothing crazy happened yet but i've got to start of somewhere, don't i?
anyways, see you next chapter🤝🏼.
love yous💕

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