chapter 31

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➪ good old-fashioned lover boy - queen


Jobe's pov:

"So, that heart you made after your goal, was that planned or just a spur of the moment thing?", Maëlys asks me not long after we settled down on the bench.
"I guess, that was more of a spontaneous decision. I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable though, you know, with all the other people around", I reply.
"No, you didn't, I promise. I actually really liked it. Though there was a girl behind me who was very convincing the heart was meant for her", she laughs.

"Did you correct her?"
"Nah, but she wasn't so happy anymore when she saw me blowing you a kiss. Also, I didn't think it was necessary. I know who it was really meant for and that's enough for me, I guess", she tells me, "Did you get any questions about it in general?"
"From my team, no. But there was one reporter who asked if the heart was for someone specific", I return.
"And what did you say?"
"I told him that it was for somebody special, but I didn't mention your name or something."

My reply makes her blush.
"So I'm someone special for you?"
"Of course you are", I say and smile at her, "You're one of the most important people in my life and have been for some time now."
I then take both of her hands in mine and interlace our fingers before I look back into her eyes.
"There's actually something I do want to talk to you about", I say. As she heard what I said her face expression changes into a slightly panicked one. Her reaction makes me laugh.
"Don't worry, it's nothing bad", I assure her.
"Okay, go on then", she chuckles.

"Alright, well, after I told the reporter the heart was meant for someone special he asked if it was for a girlfriend or something. I honestly didn't really know what to answer since I don't know what we really are, you know. Fortunately, he didn't push any further and just switched the topic. However, the question still got me thinking. I don't like that I can't answer such questions. Because I really like you and am not afraid to tell people that.

"I know we've only been really dating for a few weeks now but it seriously feels longer. I mean, I caught feelings for you a good while ago and they haven't changed. And we've been friends before our first kiss for a few months as well. God, I'm already rambling on too much", I say and let out a chuckle,
"What I'm trying to say is that some people would say it's too soon, though honestly I don't care and also don't see a reason why I should wait to ask you. So, Maëlys Brooks, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

With that I let out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding and turn to look at her. A genuine smile begins to spread on Maëlys' face.
"Jobe Bellingham, I would very much like to be your girlfriend", she tells me before she puts her hands on my cheeks and pulls me in for a kiss.
Leaning into her touch I immediately kiss her back and wrap my arms around her body.
As we pull apart again I rest my forehead on hers and both of us just smile at the other.

When I pull her even closer I notice that she's slightly shivering.
"Are you cold?", I ask her.
"A bit. It's fine though", Maëlys shrugs.
"It's not. You're shivering. Come on, let's get back to my house", I tell her.
I quickly untangle my arms from her and stand up from the bench before I hold out a hand for her.
"Thank you", she says as I pull her up on her feet.
Not letting go of her hand I just grip it tighter as we make our way back to the house.

After we enter the house both of us walk towards the kitchen.
"Let's eat something, I'm starving", I tell Maëlys.
"Yes please. I haven't eaten in hours", she replies.
"Why don't we cook something? I'm, to be honest, not really in the mood for takeout, you know", I suggest.
"Sure, as long as you'll really help and not just stand there and eat the food before it's done like last time", she says making me laugh.
"I promise, I won't", I chuckle.

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