chapter 13

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➪ how deep? - tai verdes


i almost forgot to give you guys a face claim for jolina so here it is🤝🏼.

Riele Downs as Jolina "Joley" Allertonthe future sister-in-law@jolina_allerton17/09/2003student at uni & works at her aunt's boutique

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Riele Downs as Jolina "Joley" Allerton
the future sister-in-law
student at uni & works at her aunt's boutique

she's so gorgeous omg, i love her.
hope you like the face claim as much as i do.
anyways, let's get on with this chapter.


Jobe's pov:

After breakfast, Jolina and Mason offer to drop me off at my house since they were already planning to drive into the city. I agree and soon we get ready to leave.

As we get into Jolina's car, I still have to think about Maëlys not wanting to celebrate her 18th birthday. What happened that she barely even cares? Even I managed to celebrate with a few friends even though I am busy with football most of the time.

"What are you thinking about so intensely back there, Jobe?", I hear Mason ask me.
"I don't know. It's just that I want to know why Maëlys doesn't want to celebrate her birthday", I shrug.
"You heard her. If she doesn't want to tell you, you have to respect that", Mason tells me.
"I know and I do. But I still want to do something for her, I guess."

I don't miss the smirk Jolina is sending her boyfriend.
"What was that smirk for, Jolina", I question her.
"Oh nothing, you just seem to care a bit much for her and her birthday."
"I'm her friend, am I not allowed to get her something for her birthday?"
"Sure, yeah", she chuckles.

"Anyways, Mason, is there anything she really wants?", I ask him.
"Let me think", he tells me, "I guess, she'd want to go to an Anfield game. She's absolutely obsessed with Liverpool and hasn't been at the stadium since she and our mum moved here."
Thinking about it for a second, I smile since it shouldn't be too hard to get some tickets.

"Don't smile like that. There's no way you can get tickets for a game anytime soon. Believe me, I've tried", Mason chuckles.
"You maybe can't. But it's easier when you have a friend who owes you one."
"Who do you know that can get you tickets to a probably already sold out Liverpool game?", he asks not really believing me.
"How about their right back? He actually owes me favor."

"You know Trent?", Jolina cuts in excitedly.
"Don't tell me you're crushing on him too, Joley", Mason says after turning to his girlfriend.
"I don't, I only have eyes for you so don't get jealous, love. But you have to admit, he's hot", she shrugs.
"Anyways, how do you know him though?", Mason says and turns back around to me.

"Through my brother. I've met him a few times now and I was with them in Paris at Pharrell Williams' LV fashion show."
"Damn, I'm jealous", Mason laughs, "Okay, well, if you get her tickets she'll love you forever. Maybe not forever, but at least for a long time."
"Well, I'll see what I can do. Maybe I can get us all tickets and we'll go eat somewhere after."
The couple only nods at me.

I decide to text Trent at home, so I wait before they drop me off and I get into my house to my room.



yo, trent, remember that favor you owe me?

yeah, why?
what do you need?

is it possible for you to get me some tickets for one of your games?

i guess so, which one?

the arsenal one

i'll see what i can do
since when do you want tickets for my game though?

well, there's this girl and she's a big liverpool fan
it's supposed to be a late birthday present

so a girl, huh😏?

shut up😑
so will you get me tickets?

how many do you want?

i'd need eight tickets

okay, well, like i said, i'll see what i can do
i'll text you again when i get the tickets
shouldn't be too hard though🤷🏽‍♂️

thanks, mate


four days later:

Yesterday morning Trent had texted me that he got the tickets secured and already mailed them to me, so they should come in two days the latest. Lucky for me, I'll actually see Maëlys later today for a tutoring session after training. I can surprise her then.

Right now I'm just sitting at lunch with Abdoullah and Mason. I'm currently telling them about the tickets.
"So we all get to go?", Abdy wants to know.
"Yeah, Trent got me eight tickets. So, as long as everybody is free, it's gonna be you two, Jolina, me, Kaya, Amari, Maëlys and probably Jude as well", I tell them,
"I already DM'd Amari and Kaya, since I don't have their numbers, and they said they're in."

"Well, I guess, I'll talk to Joley then. She should be free though. What about you, Abdy?", Mason asks him.
"Our game's the day before, right?", Abdoullah responds.

*let's just pretend Sunderland played on the 22nd and not the 23rd🫣*

Both Mason and I nod at him.
"I'm in then too."
"Perfect, I'll tell Maëlys later then when we meet for tutoring", I tell my friends.
"I can't believe you're actually pulling this off", Mason chuckles, "She must mean more to you than just the friendship."
"Whatever, man", I respond to his teasing while trying to hide the blush on my face.
"As long as you treat her right, I'm not gonna stand in your way, you know."
I don't give him a reply, but that's good to know, I guess.

We finish our lunch just in time before we have to head outside. After walking to the locker room and changing we make our way outside. Fortunately, the rain has stopped a few minutes ago, so we, hopefully, won't be drenched by the end of training.


another chapter finished for y'all.
i'll give you maëlys' reaction in the next one, just you wait.
but i felt like it would make this chapter too long if i'd include it in here.
so this one's a bit shorter i guess🤷🏼‍♀️.
see you then.
love yous💕

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