chapter 2

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➪ chosen (ft. ty dolla $ign) - blxst,
tyga, ty dolla $ign


Maëlys' pov:

"Good morning", Kaya says in a sing-song voice as she sits down next to us with a smile on plastered on her face.
"How are you so chipper this early, Kai? It's not even eight yet", Amari complains about our other friends mood. She has her head placed on her arms which rest on the desk in front of her.

"Why aren't you?", Kaya responds.
"Two words. No breakfast."

Whenever Riri doesn't eat something in the morning she rarely is in a good mood.

"Here", I say sliding a snickers bar over the table. Immediately her eyes light up and she quickly opens the wrapper before biting into the chocolate bar.
"Thank you", she mumbles while chewing.

"But seriously, why are you smiling like that?", I ask Kai.
"Let's just say I met a cute barrister this morning."
"Please tell me she's our age for once and not some 27 year old you hit on."
"She actually is our age. She's 18 and just started her job at the cafe. And she hit on me. Look."

She turns her coffee cup around and shows us some writing on it which said 'call me' and a phone number behind it.
"Damn, Kai pulled out her rizz", Amari smirks.
"As she should", I add.
As a response she just takes a playful bow making us all laugh.

Just then our teacher comes in and starts the lesson.


A few hours later we're seated in the cafeteria after we got ourselves some food.
"Are you guys coming to practice later?"
While I wait for an answer I open up my laptop and see that I got a new email notification.
"I will. I already missed the last one because of my uncle's birthday. And you know I need my volleyball", Kaya replies.
"Yeah, so you can let out anger issues", Riri adds.
Kaya just slaps her as a response.
"See? That's exactly what I mean", she says, "But yeah, I'll be there too. What about you?"

"Yessir, I'll be there", I respond while clicking on the email.
"No way..."
"Sunderland AFC sent me an email."
"Wait what?! Why?"
"Mason told me a few days ago that the club might have a job for me but I didn't expect them to send an email. Also how did they get my address?"
"What job? Read out the email already", Amari says with excitement in her voice.

"'Dear Ms. Brooks, as your brother has probably told you already, one of our first team players needs tutoring. After Mason suggested you, we talked to your school and they promised you'd be the perfect candidate.
"So we, the club and the academy, have decided to offer you the job. You would have to come over to the academy two or three times a week for the tutoring, depending on the team's game and training schedule.
"The hours would last between one and three hours, again depending on the team's schedule, but also your own. You would receive a payment of 50£ an hour.
"If you accept the offer, your first lesson would be this Wednesday, the 25th of October, at four thirty in the afternoon. Any other questions can be answered from someone in the academy team.' Then they just say some non-relevant stuff", I finish off reading the email out loud.

"Damn, you definitely have to take it. I mean you won't find anything that pays better", Kaya claims, "If you don't take it, I will."
"She's right, Lee. Don't you dare say no to those 50 bloody pounds an hour", Amari adds.
"Don't you worry. I will not let this slip. I need the money."

"So do you know who you will have to tutor?"
"Unfortunately, yeah. Remember that guy who spilled coke all over my shirt at the party at my house about a month ago?"
Both of my friends nod their heads.
"That's the one."
"Mate, that's just your luck once again", Kai laughs.
"No, I see it as an opportunity. I mean that thing might have been your meet-cute", Riri says, "Who knows where the tutoring might lead."

"Riri, you read too many romances. And wipe that smirk off your face", I reply.
"I'll stick with my opinion. I'm calling it here and now, you guys will fall in love at some point."
I just shook my head chuckling not taking her seriously.

While we pass the time of our break, I reply to Sunderland's email accepting the job offer. We then just chat some more before we have to get ready to attend our last afternoon classes.



how did your club get my email address🤨

i gave it to them, duh
did they offer you the job?


what did you say?

obviously i said yes
you know i need the money

and you know that mum and dad would pay for uni
so would i
i've got a pretty good income right now if you haven't noticed

i know y'all would
but this is something i wanna do myself

just don't overwork yourself please
take the help you get offered

i will, i promise

anyways, will you be home for dinner?

nah, i won't
we've got a team dinner after practice so i'll probably be home late
can you tell mum?

see you later

bye bye😘


second chapter done🤝🏼.
jobe will make his first appearance in the next one🤙🏼.
btw, i'm publishing the first few parts of the story at the same time and will then probably publish one chapter at a time.
i can't say how regular the updates will come.
but i'll try to keep the updates as regular as possible.
they will depend on how much time i have between school and other stuff.
so pls be patient with me🫣.
also, don't be shy readers and pls vote🙏🏼.
love yous💕

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