chapter 6

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➪ idgaf - dua lipa


Maëlys' pov:

"What are you doing here? No one invited you."
"Wow, no hello or how are you?", he laughs.
I just glare at him and cross my arms.
"Well, you don't look very chipper. Aren't you happy to see me?", he asks which makes me scoff.

"Cut the crap, Darien. Why are you here? What do you want?"
"I wanted to see you."
"I haven't seen you in eight months, and now you decide to show up on Riri's birthday?"
"I thought it would be the perfect opportunity. For old times sake, you know."

"Nice try, but I don't want to see you. So get out and leave me and my friends alone."
"Don't make a scene now, Lee."
"Don't call me that."
"Why are you so dramatic? I just want to talk."
"There's nothing to talk about."
"Yes, there is. I miss you, Maëlys."

I can't believe he just showed up here and threw the fact that he misses me in my face.
"If this would've been like eight months ago, I might have believed you. But today, I don't care what you think. I don't need you in my life, understood?"
"How are you still so upset? I just cheated on you, that's all."

"You just cheated?! Darien, you broke my heart."
Since he has no answer to that I continue.
"But in retrospect, I'm honestly glad we broke up. It made me realize what a fucking manipulative person you are."
"You seriously think that of me?"
He seems hurt but by now I know it's just an act. And I won't let him convince me otherwise.


Jobe's pov:

Standing next to my friends, I sip on my water feeling bored. Abdoullah and Mason are currently talking about F1. I never followed it and now hardly anything about it, so I just let them discuss it while my eyes lazily scan the crowd.
As they reach the side of the room, I notice Maëlys talking to some guy.
Although, it looks like she'd rather not talk to him.

"Hey, Mase. Who's that dude over there your sister seems to argue with?"
His eyes follow the direction I'm pointing. When he sees them, his facial expression immediately changes.
"That's Maëlys' ex Darien. What the hell is that motherfucker doing here?", he says with anger in his voice.

"Judging from your tone, their relationship didn't end well. What happened?", Abdy asks him.
"That bastard cheated on my sister and broke her heart."

Before we can stop him, Mason rushes over to them.
When the guy is about to put his hand on Maëlys' arm, Mason pushes him away from her.
"Uh-ah, don't you dare touch her."
"Oh, hey Mason. Good to see you, man. How are you?"
"You are here, so not good."

Mason looks like he is ready to punch that Darien guy.
"Mason, chill", Maëlys tries to calm him.
"I'll chill, when he gets the fuck out of here."
"Why? I thought we were mates, Mason", the guy claims.
"I never liked you, you prick. I only tolerated you because you were dating my sister."

Darien's smile falters and lets his wannabe-innocent mask fall.
"You're not even her real brother, so why should I care about what you think of me", he shrugs.

At that, Mason charges at him but I manage to hold him back.
"Mase, don't. People are watching and maybe even filming. Don't let this dumbass startle you", I tell him.
"Who are you? His bodyguard?", Darien laughs.
"None of your business", I answer without looking at him.

"Oh, wait, I recognize you now. You're the little brother of that Jude guy who plays for Madrid."
Rolling my eyes I try to move Mason and Maëlys away from that guy.
"He's a shit player, not gonna lie. He shouldn't play for England, he's a disgrace for us."

Now it's my turn to charge at him and grab him by his collar. It also helps that I'm a few inches taller than him, making me, hopefully, look more intimidating.
"Being an absolute asshole to my friends is one thing. But disrespecting my brother is too much. Get the fuck out of this bar or I'll call the cops on you for harassment", I tell him and let him go.

He hesitates at first, but makes the right decision and starts walking towards the front door of the bar. We all watch him leave, fortunately, without looking back.

"What did he want from you?", Mason asks his sister in a more or less calm voice.
Amari and Kaya have also joined our little circle by now.
Thankfully, the party guests around us don't care anymore and have turned their attention away from us.

"He said he misses me and wants to get back together", Maëlys replies, "So I told him he's multiple months too late for that. And, I quote, that I would never ever get back with a manipulative, toxic cheater like him."
"As you fucking should", Amari tells her friend.

"I'm so sorry, I caused a scene at your birthday party", Maëlys says.
"Are you kidding me? This is one hell of a story for the grandkids", Riri laughs.
"You're not mad?"
"Nah, I'm just glad he's gone now. I need a drink now though. Anyone want one as well? My treat."
"I'll take you up on that", Abdoullah winks at her making us all laugh.
Together we make our way to the bar to get some drinks.


chapter 6 is done ladies and gentlemen👏🏼.
i hope you enjoyed it.
what do we think of darien🤔😀
i've got one more chapter of the same day planned.
don't know when i'll post it though.
til then love yous💕

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