chapter 11

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➪ body language - chikoruss


Maëlys' pov:

After the final whistle's been blown, we make our way down to the pitch. Due to our VIP passes where easily let onto it by the security.
We make our way over to Mason and some other players.
Jolina walks faster, eager to get to her boyfriend. As soon as he sees her he jogs her way and engulfs her in a hug before kissing her lips.
Kaya, Amari and I take our time to walk to them, giving them their little moment.

"Congrats, Mase, on the win. Great game", I tell him as we reach them.
"Thank you, Lee", he smiles and tries to give me a hug.
"Uh-ah, don't touch me. You're all sweaty", I say and take a step back.
Mason just laughs before he receives congratulations from Kai and Riri.

"So where's our goal scorer?", I ask.
"He and Luke are just talking to a Sky reporter. Why you asking?", Mason replies.
"Just want to congratulate him on the goal, that's all", I shrug.
I don't miss the smirk he's showing my friends. Apart from rolling my eyes I don't say anything knowing it won't make them believe me anyway.

I quickly change the topic and we start talking about something else.
As we just chat and stand there I feel someone wrap their arms around me from behind. The smell of sweat hits my nose and I hear a joyful "Hello" in a Brum accent from close behind me.
"Ew, Jobe, get off me. You're all sweaty. I already showered today. I don't want to have to do it again because you rubbed your sweat onto me", I complain and push him away from me.

"Come on, I'm not even allowed to touch you then?"
"Not as long as you haven't said hello to a shower", I tell him.
"She's not joking, mate. Not even I as her brother am allowed to hug her", Mason adds laughingly.

"I was gonna congratulate you on your goal, but now that I've got your sweat on my clothes I think I'll refrain from that", I say to the tall boy next to me.
"Well, then I guess I can hug you again seeing as I won't get a congrats either way", he shrugs before grabbing my shoulders to pull me towards him.

A squeal leaves my mouth before I twist out of his grasp and start running away.
Jobe reacts quickly and runs after me. Due to the length of his legs he reaches me sooner than I wish. He picks me up making me yet again squeal at the sudden space between my feet and the ground.
Jobe carries me back to the rest not caring about me kicking my feet and telling him to put me down.

"Say it", Jobe requests.
"Fine, fine. Congratulations on your match winning goal. Can you let go of me now?", I reply quickly.
"Do you mean it?"
"Thank you. Now was that so hard?"
He puts me back down on the ground and smirks at me. As I response I slap his arm and send him the evils.
"You're an ass", I tell him. He just chuckles at my comment.


Jobe's pov:

Mason proposes that we could all get some takeout sushi and go back to his place for a bit. Our gaffer had just told us we'd get a free day tomorrow which means we don't have to be home early tonight so we all agreed.

Jolina, Mason, Kaya, Amari, Maëlys and I are all currently waiting for the sushi we just ordered.
Mase and three of the girls are engaged in a conversation while Maëlys and I just stand next to them only listening partly.
As I look down at her, I find her already staring at me.

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