chapter 3

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➪ pick a side freestyle - isaac zale


Jobe's pov:


"So, you ready for your first tutoring lesson today?", Abdoullah nudges me.
"Ugh, don't remind me", I groan and throw my head back, "It's bad enough we lost yesterday. Why did they have to schedule this stupid tutoring for today."

"Relax, mate. I know you won't admit it, but you need this if you want to finish school. And trust me, my sister will get your grades up. You just have to let her do her thing and you'll be good", Mason assures me.
"I don't think she even likes me. Remember my birthday? I spilled my whole glass over her shirt. I doubt she forgot that."

"Yeah, she has definitely not forgotten about, sorry", Mason says while scratching the back of his neck.
"Perfect, this is gonna be a long day."
"Less talking, more running boys", the gaffer yells at us.
Laughing we obey and move a little faster.


Out of breath I burst into the room where I was supposed to meet Mason's sister Maëlys. I look through the room and find her already sitting at a table looking down at her phone. As I close the door she looks up at me.

"You're late", she says sounding pissed.
"Yeah, sorry. The boys were hogging the shower. And I don't think you'd want me here all sweaty", I try to crack a joke.
She doesn't respond but her face expression says enough.

"Not a fan of jokes, I see", I mumble.
"I do like jokes, just not yours", she fake smiles at me, "Can you please sit down now, so we can start. I don't have time all day."
"Why? You got a hot date later?", I smirk at her.
She shoots me an annoyed look.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I have a birthday present to pick up. Now get your stuff out and show me where you need help."
I figure it won't help make the situation better if I'd answer with another joke so I just do as she requested and pull out my books.

As she makes herself familiar with the questions we're supposed to work through I finally get the chance to take a good look at her. Last time I saw her was about a month ago on my birthday. She hasn't really changed much.

Taking in her features I have to admit she's honestly really pretty. Half of her hair is put up in a bun as the rest of her long curls fall perfectly down her back.

"I know I'm pretty but you need to focus on these questions if you want us to get anywhere", she ripps me out of my thoughts.
Rolling my eyes I just grab a pen and take a look at the first question.

For the next hour or so we work through a good amount of questions. Mason was right, she's good at this. I even understood half of the stuff she tried to get into my head.

"Alright, we're done for today I guess", she says and closes the book.
"Yeah, thanks. So when are you free again for the next session?"
"I thought that would depend on you and your schedule."
"It does, I just tried to be nice so I could maybe get on your good side."

"Nice try, but it'll need more to make up for my first impressions of you."
"Yeah, I'm sorry again for the whole thing on my birthday. I didn't mean to spill my coke over your shirt. But also, it was just coke so I don't think it was hard to get it out of the fabric, right?"
"Actually I had to throw away the shirt because the stains wouldn't come out."
"Oh, sorry, I didn't think that would happen."
As a response she just shruggs and looks away from me.
"I'm seriously sorry for ruining your shirt. Can I buy you a new one?"

Her head shoots back to my face and she lets out a small laughter.
"Nah, I'm good. Thanks for offering though. I guess, I'll accept your apology but that doesn't mean I like you now, just so you know", she replies making me chuckle slightly.

"Anyways, back to you. When do you want to meet up again?"
"How about Friday? I've got training later than today but we could meet around six o'clock", I suggest.
"Can't. I've got a birthday party to prepare and then got to."
"The same birthday you have to pick up the present for?"
"You can remember that and not simple math? But, yeah, same birthday."

"Okay, well how about Sunday then?"
"Sunday would work, yeah. What time?"
"Three thirty?"
"Sure, three thirty it is. Same place?"
"I can't say. Depends on if we can get a free room. Give me your number, then I can text you if we need to find someplace else."
I take out my phone and set up a new contact. I then hand her my phone so she could put her number in.

She hesitates for a moment, but then typed in her number and hands the phone back to me.

Both of us take our stuff and walk out of the room. We make our way out of the building towards the parking lot.

"You getting picked up?", I ask her.
"Taking the bus", she replies.
"Yes. I'm neither 18 yet nor do I have a car, so the bus is all I've got."
"I could drive you, if you want."

"You've got your license?"
"Of course I do. Why you sound so surprised?"
"I don't know. I just figured since your brother doesn't have one, as far as I know, you don't have one either", she shrugs.
"Okay, first, I feel offended. And second, how do you know Jude doesn't have a license?"
"I've got a friend who might be a bit obsessed with him", she says making me laugh.

"So, you want me to give you a lift?"
"Nah, I'm good, thanks. It's not the first time I've taken the bus."
"You sure?"
"Yes, Jobe, I am", she chuckles.
"Alright, fine. I guess I'll see you Sunday then."
"See you then. Bye."
"Bye. And thanks again for the tutoring today."
"You're welcome", she smiles at me before she turns around and starts walking away from me. That's, I think, the first real smile she showed me today.

I watch her walk towards the bus stop before I head to my car myself. After getting inside, I put on some music and started the car. I put it in reverse and park out of the parking spot. Driving out of the parking lot, I make my way home.


chapter 3 everbody🫣.
the first interaction with our two main characters.
i hope you guys enjoyed it.
let's see how this tutoring will turn out and if maëlys can help jobe get his grades up again.
btw, the songs in the beginning aren't always connected with the chapters, most of them are just random lol.
see you in the next chapter.
love yous💕

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