chapter 14

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➪ infrunami - steve lacy


Maëlys' pov:

When I walk into our usual room for tutoring at the academy, Jobe is already sitting on the table.
"Wow, you're early today", I say in surprise.
"Maybe you're just late", he responds with a smirk.
"I'm rarely late."
"I know, I'm just messing with you. I actually made an effort for once to be early because I've got something for you."

I pull up an eyebrow and look at him. He lets out a chuckle at my response.
"Don't worry. It's nothing bad", he assures me.
As I sit down at the table next to him he pulls something out of his bag along with his school stuff.
"Here, open. Happy birthday", he smiles and hands me an envelope.

I take it out of his hand, open it up and pull out some Liverpool tick- No! He did not. I look at the tickets closely making sure I'm not mistaken. But I'm not, they really are tickets to a Liverpool game. And not just any game, literally the Arsenal game next week.
"No, you did not", I stare at him in disbelief.
"Yes, I did. You're holding them tickets, don't you?"

"How did you even get these? The game's been sold out for weeks."
"I have a friend", he shrugs.
"A certain Mr Alexander-Arnold."
"Wait, you know Trent? Can you introduce me to him?"
He just laughs at my excitement.

"Are you crushing on him?"
"Nah, I mean he's definitely good looking but not really my type. I like taller guys. I just admire him for the way he plays football. And he's honestly the best right back in the league right now, if not even the world."

"You're pretty confident with your opinion, aren't you? You're probably not wrong though. Trent's a great player, I can't lie", Jobe agrees.
"It's still crazy that you know him and he literally got you tickets."
"I mean, we're friends and he also owed me a favor so it was fairly easy to convince him."

I stare back down at the tickets in my hand.
"And these are definitely real?", I ask still slightly in disbelief.
"Yes, Lee, they are", he chuckles.
I'm usually not the most impulsive person but I guess today my intrusive thoughts won.
I quickly put the tickets on the table and before I can stop myself, I pull Jobe into a hug.
He seems to be taken by surprise at first but it doesn't take him long to put his arms around me and pull me closer.

For a few moments we stay in this position.
"Thank you", I tell him quietly.
"You're welcome", he responds.
When we pull apart again I quickly turn away from him not wanting him to see the blush on my face. As I pick up the envelope again I realize that I haven't pulled out all of the tickets.

"Wait, you got eight tickets? Who did you get all these tickets for? I'm only one person", I say.
"Well, I thought you'd want to bring your friends too, so I got them some. I already talked to them and they're in. Your brother and Jolina are coming too. And I might have been a little selfish as well and got tickets for Abdoullah, Jude and myself", he answers my question.
"I like going to games in a group way more than alone. I guess you know me better than I thought", I smile at him.
"I guess so", he smiles back.

After staring at each other for a second, we finally decide to start with the tutoring session for today. He opens up his math book and tells me what questions we're supposed to work on according to his teacher.


Two hours later:

"And then I pulled out the tickets and I was like: No, he did not", I tell the girls.
I got home about half an hour ago from the tutoring session with Jobe. After I had some dinner with my parents and Mason, I headed up to my room and immediately called Kaya and Amari over facetime. As soon as they picked up I told the about the tickets.

"I wish I could've seen your face", Kai says.
"Me too. It was hard enough not to tell you earlier today in school", Riri adds.
"Yeah, Jobe told me that you two already knew. I can't believe you didn't say anything."

"And ruin the surprise? Nah, we would never do that to our lovely Jobe. I bet she blushed", Riri tells Kai with a smirk on her face.
"She defo did. Look at the way she's smiling now", Kai replies.
"Shut up", I tell them and try not to smile, but, honestly, I can't help it. I still can't believe he got me tickets to a game of my favourite club.

"You can't deny though that this wasn't like the sweetest gesture. I mean, tickets for Liverpool for you and your friends? That's damn thoughtful", Kaya says.
"Yeah, you're right I guess. We've really known each other for not even three months and he gets me something like that for my birthday. He said he even called in a favor from one of the Liverpool players to get the tickets."

"This boy likes you, trust me. No guy would do that for a girl he considers just a friend. He literally used his connections to get you a fucking birthday present. He's totally crushing on you", Amari claims.
"Nah, he's just being nice. He told me this is basically a thank you for me tutoring him. Did I tell you that he got B on his recent math test? He's seriously improving", I say trying to change the topic of the conversation.

"I love that for him, but don't you try to distract us from the main subject. Jobe likes you, get that into your head. And don't say I'm tripping, we all know you're pretty fond of him as well", Kaya says while wiggling her eyebrows.
"I'm not. He's just a friend", I tell my friends.
"That's what they all say", Riri cuts in, "I'm giving them a month and then they're all over each other, Kai."
"Whatever. Topic change now please before I cut you off and never talk to you again", I say.

Both of them just chuckle at me but respect my wish. We chat for a bit more before we all have to hang up since it's getting pretty late. I then get ready for bed. Before I fall asleep, for some reason, the one thing I can't get off my mind is a certain Brum boy.


ahh, here's maëlys' reaction.
what do we think of it?
also, not riri possibly spitting some facts🫣.
you'll just have to wait and see if her speculations will come true🤷🏼‍♀️.
i'll see you in the next chapter.
have a good rest of the day or full day or whatever, whatever time it is for y'all.
don't be silent readers and don't forget to vote.
love yous💕

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