chapter 12

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➪ asiwaju - ruger


The next morning:

Maëlys' pov:

As my eyes flutter open I see the living room being lit up by natural light from outside. Wait, why am I in the living room? And what am I laying on? It doesn't feel like a pillow or something.
I try to sit up but something seems to hold me back. Turning my head I realize my head's laying on someone. No, not someone, it's Jobe.

How-, why is my head on his chest? As I try to sit up again I realize his arm is wrapped around my waist. But this time I'm actually able to sit up due to Jobe's arm loosening his grip. I look back at his face and see him slowly opening his eyes and adjusting to the light.
"Morning", he mumbles before realizing he still has his arm around my waist, "Oh, sorry."
He quickly moves his arm away and scoots back on the couch sitting more upright.

"Did I fall asleep on you last night?", I ask him.
"You did, yeah", he laughs slightly.
"Sorry, didn't mean to", I answer while keeping my head down trying to hide the blush on my face.
"Don't worry. I mean, I fell asleep as well and literally trapped you", he chuckles.
"You did, yeah", I laugh while purposely using his words.
"I see what you did there, Lee."
This is the second time now he's called me by my nickname. I kinda like him saying it.

I yawn and rub my eyes out of tiredness. When I move my hands away from my face again, I see Mason and Jolina enter the living room in their pjs.
"Lee, what are you doing here? Don't you have school?", Mason wants to know.
School, shit!
I quickly stand up and grab my phone. Looking at the screen it tells me it's 10:53.

"No, no, no. I'm so late, fuck", I panic.
"Did you guys sleep here?", Jolina asks Jobe.
"Yeah, we just woke up. We both apparently fell asleep during the movie", he chuckles.
"Riri and Kai. I'm going to kill them. Why didn't they wake us up?"
"Calm down, Lee. Just make a sick day", Mason shrugs making me send him a mad look.

"Alright, wait, let me think. How about I call the school, pretend to be dad and tell them you've got a doctor's appointment moved and we forgot to notify the school and have just now remembered to do that?"
"Now that's reasonable. Yes, please do that. But don't call from your phone so you can make it seem more real", I tell him.
"Good idea. Jobe, give me your phone."

Jobe, who seems still pretty tired and also confused by our conversation, hesitantly hands my brother his phone.
Mason then quickly walks over to the kitchen to make the call.
A few minutes later he's already coming back, handing Jobe back his phone.
"Everything worked out. Let's just hope mum and dad don't find out. You're lucky mum went with dad on his work trip so they probably won't find out", he says.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. And now let's please make some breakfast, I'm starving."


As we sit at the dining table and eat our breakfast, Jolina slides a little package with a bow on it over the table towards me.
"What's this?", I question her.
"Your birthday present. I wanted to give you this yesterday but I forgot. So here you go. Happy belated birthday", she explains.
"You didn't have to get me something, but thank you. You're so sweet", I smile at her grabbing the gift. As I open it, I see that it's a Pandora charm for my bracelet. I thank her again with a smile, telling her it'll fit perfectly with my collection.

"It was your birthday?", Jobe asks.
"Yeah, last Saturday", I give him as an answer.
"Well, happy birthday then", he smiles at me.
"Thanks", I say and return his smile.
"Mason told me you don't want to have a party. But you turned 18, you have to throw one", Jolina says.
"I'm good, I don't need one. I never liked my birthday anyway and never threw a bigger party either. I've always just celebrated with my family Riri and Kai", I shrug not really caring.

"But why?", Jolina wants to know.
"It's personal", I tell her before turning to my brother, "And Mason, don't you dare tell anyone. You know how I feel about the reason. Some things have to stay between us, sorry Jolina."
"I understand, don't worry, Lee."
Thankfully Jolina is always understanding when it comes to secrets between me and her boyfriend since he's my brother.

But I still don't want to tell her about the real reason, especially with Jobe around.
It's just that birthdays always remind me of my birth-father. It's not like I misses him. I don't give a single fuck about him. Every year my birthday just reminds me of the bad birthdays with him before he got into prison. He would always find a way to mess up my birthday, no matter if it was intentional or not.
The only people who know this are my parents, Mason, Kaya and Amari. Fortunately, they've always respected my wish to keep my birthday simple and low-key.



Rihanna = Amari
Kairo = Kaya
Leeverpool = Maëlys

maëlys brooks, where tf are you?

mrs johnson is looking for you
she says you're not listed as sick

we know you're not sick
but seriously where are you?

lee, are you ignoring us?

earth to maëlys

sorry guys, i overslept
didn't set an alarm last night💀

oh good
we almost thought you died or something

or something?
what's worse than death?


so, anyways, how did you sleep?
better than usual?🤔🫣

i slept alright
why the emojis?


omg, why did you take a picture of us sleeping?

because you two looked cute, duh

delete it

i will do no such thing
i need something to show to your future children


don't hit me please🫣

i most definitely will
you're lucky we don't have volleyball practice today

kai, save me

you brought yourself into this mess
i told you not to take pictures

well, you should've been more strict about it
now i will die tomorrow
tell my parents i love them😢

stop being so dramatic🙄


chapter 12 is done now as well👏🏼.
hope you guys enjoyed it
will jobe just accept that maëlys doesn't want to celebrate her birthday🤔?
you might find out at some point🫣.
pls don't be silent readers and don't forget to vote.
see you in the next one.
love yous💕

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