chapter 41:

942 16 2

➪  type shit - future, metro boomin,
travis scott, playboi carti


About six weeks later:

Maëlys' pov:

"So could you three see yourself going here to London for uni?", Amari asks the rest of us as we walk through the store.

I'm currently in London together with Kaya, Isabella and Amari to get a look at the university here. We went on this open doors tour, I guess you could call it, earlier today. After we were finished with it the girls and I decided to go to some stores to look for our prom dresses. Right now we're walking through the third one looking at some more dresses since we weren't able to find anything good at the first one.

*i don't know if there's is something similar to a prom in england or how it's called so please correct me if i'm wrong lol. i'm just gonna put it in here anyways cause it fits with the story line in my head🤷🏼‍♀️.*

"I do, yeah. I mean, I love London and the tour was pretty nice. And from what I've heard the sports communication courses seem to be really good here", I answer Riri's question.
"I agree, well at least on the first part", Isabella chuckles, "But the university seems to be really cool and also the people we've met today so far were pretty nice as well."

"I can only agree as well. But what about you, Riri? Have you decided yet where you want to go to uni?", Kaya asks her.
"Nah, I'm still waiting on an email if I got into the fashion program in Madrid", she replies.
"I'm surprised they haven't accepted you immediately after you applied", I shrug, "The amount of times you've basically been our personal stylist should be enough proof that you are perfect for their program. Have you told them about that?"

"Lee, no, that's not how the application process works", Amari laughs, "But thank you though."
"You'll get accepted anyways. We all now that", Kai tells her.
"For real. I haven't known you for too long but I can see how good you are with fashion. For example, there's never been a time where I've seen you not wearing a nice outfit", Isa adds.
"Thanks girls, I love you for that", Riri smiles.

We continue to chat while we collect some dresses to try on before we make our way to the changing rooms.
For the next twenty minutes or so the four of us try on different dresses and show them to each other. We honestly should have come to this store at first. They have way nicer options here than they had in the other stores we visited before.

By now everyone apart from me has already found a dress. Each one fits my friends so perfectly. I on the other side have yet do find one for myself. Maybe I'm just too picky. The again, sue me for trying to find a dress to my liking.

"Hey, can one of you help me with these strings? I want to take this dress off but I can't figure out how to untie these stupid strings in the back", I request as I walk out of my changing room.
"Sure, I'll help you", Kaya says as she gets up from where she and Isabella are sitting and walks towards me. Just then I notice that Amari is not here.

"Where's Riri? Is she trying on another dress? I thought she already decided on that dark red one", I say while Kai tries to untie the strings.
"She claimed that you made stupid decisions in your dress choice so she's now getting you a better one. At least that's what she said", Isa chuckles as a response. Her answer just makes Kai and I laugh as well.

"Okay, the strings are untied now", Kai tells me only a few moments later.
"Thanks", I reply.
Just then Amari walks back into the changing room area with a white sparkling dress in her hands.
"Here, try this one on. Your other choices were trash, sorry", Riri says and hands me the dress.

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