chapter 29

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➪ congratulations - mac miller


Maëlys' pov:

As I wake up and my eyes slowly start to open my room is still fairly dark due to my curtains. However I can still see some light shining through the gaps of the fabric that hangs in front of my windows. With a yawn I rub both my eyes before I stretch out my arms in front of me. I just then notice that two arms are wrapped around me and I feel another body touching the back of my own. Turning my head I find Jobe still fast asleep behind me.

He looks so peaceful. For a few moments I simply admire every feature on his handsome face. Due to his face now being so close to mine I can feel his breath hitting me every few seconds.
I carefully turn around again, trying not to wake him, and grab my phone from the bedside table. Wanting to keep this moment I take some pictures of him and the both of us as well before I decide to text my friends.



Rihanna = Amari
Kairo = Kaya
Leeverpool = Maëlys

Rihanna changed Leeverpool to Simp for Jobe

Simp for Jobe
okay, first of all, how did i not notice
you changing my name, amari
explain yourself🤨
second, pls tell me both of you are
awake already🙏🏽

it's not even ten yet
why are you bothering us this early already?

shut up, riri
not all of us sleep til one💀

it's saturday
i'm allowed to sleep in😌

Simp for Jobe
leave the girl alone, kai
let riri have her sleep

well, your date must have gone pretty
good and left you very happy seeing as
you're defending riri
and you're not even scolding her for
changing your name

Simp for Jobe
not yet
that'll come later, don't worry
for now i'm just enjoying the heaven
i'm in right now🫣🫠

okay, on one side i'm slightly scared😀
but on the other, girl what are you talking about?

Simp for Jobe

*let's just pretend that's jobe*

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*let's just pretend that's jobe*

omg, is that from yesterday?

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