chapter 27

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➪ 21 questions - 50 cent, nate dogg


Jobe's pov:

As we get inside of the restaurant we're greeted by a woman who must be the head waitress.
"Good evening, do you have a reservation?", she asks us.
"We do. It should be under the name Bellingham", I tell her.
"Oh, yes, I've got you right here on my list", she says after she found the right name, "Follow me please."
We do as she requests and let her lead us to our table. After we thank her she makes her way back to the front of the restaurant.

Like the gentleman I am I pull out one of the chairs and gesture Maëlys to sit down.
"Well thank you kind sir", she giggles and sits down.
I smile and wink at her before I quickly walk over to the other side of the table and sit down myself. We both take a few minutes to look through the menu before another waitress comes up to the table.
"Have you two decided on what you want to drink yet?", she asks us.

"I'll take a strawberry lemonade", Maëlys tells the waitress.
"One strawberry lemonade", she repeats and writes it down.
"Make that two", I add.
"Alright, two strawberry lemonades coming right up."
With that she send me another smile before she leaves the table. In the meantime, while our drinks are being prepared, we look through the menu again. Together we decide what to order and that we'll just share our dishes. Only a few minutes later the same waitress is already back with our drinks.

"There you go", she says as she sets down my lemonade in front of me before she does the same with Maëlys' drink.
"Did you decide on what you want to eat?", the waitress asks and sends me a smile.
"We'll take the vegetable spring rolls and the spicy crispy duck salad as appetizers. And I'll take the thai green chicken curry for main course", I tell her.
"I'll take th-"
"Good choice", the waitress says to me interrupting Maëlys.

"Uh, thanks, I guess", I reply slowly.
As Maëlys is about to speak up again she gets interrupted for a second time.
"The curry here is really good, I can tell from experience. And I'm not just saying that because I work here", she tells me with a giggle.
I just look up at her for a second trying not to show that she's starting to get on my nerves. As I look over to Maëlys she's already staring at the waitress and is clearly annoyed.

"Can I order now too?", she asks drawing the waitress's attention to herself.
"Sure", the waitress answers as she presses her lips together.
"I'll take the sizzling garlic butter king prawns", Maëlys tells her.
"Anything else?"
"No, that would be all", Maëlys replies.
"Okay, I'll be back with the food soon."
The waitress turns back to me once again and sends me another smile before she takes our menus and makes her way to the kitchen.

"Thank god that bitch is gone now", Maëlys mumbles to herself.
I pull up my eyebrows in surprise and let out a laughter.
"Wait, did I say that out loud?", she asks after realizing I heard what she said.
"Yeah", I chuckle, "She was annoying though, I agree with you on that one."
"That woman was full on flirting with you", she tells me.

"Are you jealous?", I question while smirking at her.
"No. Okay, well, maybe. But I mean why was she smiling at you like that? Can't she see that we're on a date? Also, as if flirting with you wasn't enough she was rude to me as well."
At that I just smile at her.
"Your jealousy is kinda cute", I tell her.
"Shut up", she replies trying to hide a smile.

We then switch the topic and keep on talking about different things until I see the waitress from before exiting the kitchen and walking towards us with plates in her hands.
"Give me your hand", I quickly tell Maëlys and reach out for her hand over the table.
"Why?", she asks but still puts her hand on mine.
"So I can show that waitress that I only have eyes for you", I respond which makes her blush.

Just as the waitress reaches our table I move Maëlys' hand to my face and press a fairly long kiss on her hand without breaking eye contact with the woman sitting across from me.
After I let go of her hand both of us move our hands back to ourselves so our food can be placed in front of us.
As I look up to the waitress she has an annoyed expression on her face.
"I'll be back in a few minutes with your main courses", she tells us and quickly walks away from our table.

Almost immediately after the waitress is gone Maëlys lets out a few giggles. Oh, how much I love hearing her laugh.
"Did you see the look on her face? She was mad", she chuckles, "Thanks for doing this."
"You're welcome. We had to show her somehow that there's no need for her to flirt with me. I'm here with you and she can't change that. And if she tries anything again I will politely tell her to piss off because I don't want anyone but you", I tell Maëlys.

At that her beautiful smile appears on her face again along with a blush spreading over her cheeks.
"Your parents did a damn good job raising you, you know. Tell them that please", she says.
"I will", I reply with a chuckle.
"Anyways, can we eat now? I'm starving and this already smells great", she tells me and gestures to the plates in front of us.
With a smile I nod at her and we beginn to eat our appetizers.


Maëlys' pov:

"Do you want anything for dessert", I ask Jobe after we finished our food.
"Nah, I'm good. Do you?", he returns.
"Me neither."
"So did you like the food?"
"Definitely, it was really good. You made a good choice in taking me to this restaurant", I tell him with a smile.
"Only the best for you", he says in response.
I can't tell you how many times he's managed to make me blush and smile today already, but with that sentence he gets the same reaction out of me once again.

We keep talking for a few minutes before a waiter comes to our tables and gathers the plates.
"Could we have the bill please?", Jobe asks him.
"Sure. I'll be back with you in a minute", the waiter replies.
Just as promised he returns not long after taking the empty plates to the kitchen.

"Would you like to pay everything in one or each their own?", the waiter questions.
"I'll pay for the both of us", Jobe tells him before I can say anything.
"i'll You don't need to", I say.
"Yes, I do. I asked you out so it's my responsibility to pay for dinner."
Seeing that arguing won't get me anywhere I just thank him and let him pay.

After the waiter wishes us a nice rest of the evening we thank him before both Jobe and I slowly gather our things and stand up. After we put on our jackets we make our way out of the restaurant and walk the few minutes to where Jobe parked his car earlier today. Both of us then get into the car and we start our drive back to Sunderland.


finally another chapter again for you guys.
tbh, i can't really say why it took me so long to finish this one🤷🏼‍♀️.
i just couldn't find the motivation for it in the last week or so.
and i'd rather take my time on a chapter than write a scrappy one just because i want to post regularly yk.
but now, i hope, i have my motivation back🤞🏼.
anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter.
don't forget to comment and vote.
see you in the next one.
love yous💕

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