chapter 17

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➪ jealousy, jealousy - olivia rodrigo


Maëlys' pov:

After the final whistle was blown most of the fans around us gather their things and start to leave their seats. We also get up but still let people pass since we're not in a hurry.

"Any of you guys wanna go down to the pitch? Trent told me we can come down if we want", Jude asks us.
"Oh yes, definitely", I grin at him.
"Yeah, me too", Jobe adds.
"What about the rest?", Jude wants to know.
"We're good", Jolina answers for all of them.
"And I need something to eat. You guys go on down though. We can just meet up again later", Amari tells us.
We all agree and part ways before Jude, Jobe and I head down to the pitch.


We get on the pitch, fortunately, without any problems with security. Jude manages to spot Trent standing next to Curtis and talking to him so we make our way over to them. As soon as Trent notices us walking towards them he sends us a smile.

"Jude, Jobe, didn't think you'd actually come down", Trent says greeting them with a handshake before he turns his head to me,
"You, I don't know."
"That's Maëlys. She's the one I got the tickets for", Jobe introduces me.
"Oh, yeah. Well, I'm Trent", he introduces himself.
"And I'm Curtis", the other scouser adds.
"I know", I chuckle, "I don't know what Jobe told you but I've been a Liverpool fan basically my whole life. So I do know pretty much all of the players."

"He did tell me that, I just forgot, I guess", Trent laughs, "So what did you think of the game?"
"It was a good game. You all played great. Wouldn't have minded a win and no injuries though", I tell him which makes all of them chuckle.

"Question, I hope I'm not making any false assumptions, but are you originally from here or something? You kind of have an accent", Curtis wants to know.
"Yeah, I actually am. I was born here and lived in Liverpool until I was like nine before I moved to Sunderland with my mum. I never really lost my scouse accent, I guess", I reply.
"Yes! You heard that Trent? We've got ourselves another scouser."

"Who's another scouser?"
The voice comes from a guy who had just walked up behind Trent and Curtis and had thrown his arms over both of their shoulders. I look at him and for some reason he looks pretty familiar.
"She is", Trent answers and points at me.
"That's our teammate Dannsy by the way, Jayden Danns if you will", Curtis adds.

*I know Jayden wasn't in the squad at that time but let's just pretend he was.*

The name makes me realize why the guy looks so familiar. Jayden Danns, it's been a long time since the last time I've seen him. It's must be almost ten years now. Back when I lived in Liverpool he and I were friends and hung out a lot due to our parents being friends at that time. We also went to the same school together until I moved.

"And Jayden, that's Ma-", Trent starts before he gets interrupted.
"Maëlys Foster, didn't think I'd ever see you again. How have you been?", Jayden asks me with a smile, obviously having recognized me as well, and gives me a quick hug.

"Foster? I thought your last name was Brooks", Jobe questions.
"It is actually Brooks now. I took on my mums maiden name when she divorced Caleb", I tell them, "And I've been good. What about you? Can't have been to bad seeing that you are on the bench with the first team."

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