chapter 15

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➪ thinking bout you - frank ocean


A few days later:

Jobe's pov:

"Why do we have to take the train? Can't we just go by plain?", Jude complains as we get into my car.
"Not all of us are rich, Jude. Also, the next airport is in Newcastle so almost an hour away", I tell him as I start the car.
"Well, can't we at least uber there then? My treat."
"Good luck finding an uber for eight people that will drive four hours to Liverpool", I chuckle.
Jude just groans and rests his head against the top of the car seat.

"Stop complaining. You don't have to go if you don't want to", I say.
"Nah, I told Trent that I'll see him there."
"Aw, is someone excited to see his boyfriend?", I tease him.
The only reaction he gives me is hitting my arm.
"Mate, don't hit me. I'm driving", I tell him annoyed, "I hope I don't have to sit next to you on the train."

"Oh don't worry. I'll make sure you can sit next to your Maëlys", he now teases me.
"She's not my Maëlys."
"But you sure wish she was, am I right?"
"Maybe, I don't know. I'm not good with that feelings stuff, you know", I tell my brother.
"You totally have feelings for that girl. You literally don't stop talking about her. And you got her tickets for an already sold out game. I think that says enough about your feelings", Jude says.

As much as I hate to admit it, but he's right. I do have feelings for Maëlys. What am I supposed to do about it though? I can't tell if she feels the same way. I don't know how to approach this or, well, her. I've never felt like this before, I guess. I mean I've been on a few dates but it never became something serious.
One thing I know though is that I would mind turning her and me into something serious.


Just as planned, Jude and I get to the right platform only a few minutes before the train's supposed to leave and fortunately the train itself is already there so we quickly go inside. Whenever my brother and I go out in public together there is about a 90 percent chance one of us would get recognized. Since we just wanted to get onto the train peacefully without drawing attention to ourselves, we made sure we got to the station not long before the train is going to take off.

When we reach our reserved seats the rest of our little group is already there. The only two free seats are next to Abdoullah, who's sitting opposite of Mason and Jolina, and next to Maëlys, who got Amari and Kaya opposite of her.
"Abdoullah, you don't mind if I sit next to you, right? Thanks, mate", Jude says in a haste and moves to the seat next to my now confused looking friend. Jude then whispers something into his ear. Judging by the smirk as a reaction my brother told him the obvious reason of his fast actions.

I shake my head while chuckling before I sit down at the last open seat.
"Good morning", I great the girls.
"I wouldn't consider it morning. It's almost 11:30", is the first thing Maëlys says to me.
"So good day then?", I try.
"A simple 'Hey' would have been enough", she replies with slight annoyance in her voice.

Turning my face away from her I look over to her friends searching for help.
"She didn't get much sleep. That's why she's so cranky", Kaya tells me.
"Why?", I ask turning back to Maëlys.
"Some idiot called me like seven times throughout the night", she replies annoyed and rubs her eyes, "The first three times I picked up but no one was saying anything. The other times I just sent the call straight to voicemail."

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