chapter 34

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➪ 1+1 - reezy


Amari's pov:

"Alright, I don't know about you, but I'm going to find Isa now. So I'll see you guys later", Kaya tells us before she takes off to find her girlfriend. The rest of us just keep chatting with each other until Maëlys whispers something to her boyfriend.

"I'm also gonna steal my girlfriend for a minute or two", Jobe says while taking her hand.
"You guys gonna leave us too? Where are you going?", I question.
"Some place where we can make out", Maëlys replies with a smirk on her face.
"That's not really the information I wanted."
My friend just giggles as Jobe pulls her away from us.

"Well, now that everyone's ditched us I guess it's only you and me now, Brum boy", I say as I turn to Jude.
"Brum boy, really? You seriously need to pick up your nickname game. So far it hasn't really been good", he claims.
"So what should I call you then?", I ask and pull up my eyebrows to send him a questioning look.
However, as soon as a smirk appears on his face I regret my question.

"You know what, never mind. Please don't answer."
"Well, you could call me leng, handsome, sexy, whatever ever you like", Jude smirks obviously ignoring my request.
"Has anyone ever told you that you can be a bit too confident?"
"Actually, yeah. Jobe told me that about half an hour ago", he chuckles, "But I am confident, so sue me."

The only response I give him is shake my head while laughing. We then just switch the topic and talk about other stuff.
The more I talk to him the more I feel comfortable around him as well. I mean texting in the last month was always easy and I didn't have problems talking to him over call. But I was honestly kinda nervous to chat with Jude in person. Like what if we wouldn't be able to hold a single conversation?

Fortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case. We just float from one topic to the next with ease and I genuinely have a good feeling. Speaking of feelings, I'm still unsure of how I feel about him. Yes, I've had a crush on him for months before I even met him for the first time. And no, texting or talking to him has not changed that. I just can't tell if he feels the same way.

Plus the fact that he lives in Madrid and I live here in Sunderland doesn't help my situation. I don't know if I'm the type of person to be in a long distance relationship. Again, who knows if he even wants to be in a relationship with me.

"So how long are you here in Sunderland for?", I ask trying to push away my other thoughts.
"Well, my mum and I have to leave at Tuesday around noon, I think. So my last full day will be Monday", he tells me.

"Is this your first time here?", I continue.
"Nah, I've been here a couple times before. When Jobe signed, while national break where I was injured and around christmas time", he explains.

"So do you like it?"
"It's alright, I guess", he shrugs, "I prefer the weather in Madrid though."
"Understandable", I chuckle.
"You should come down to Madrid and see for yourself. The city is really pretty, not gonna lie."

"I've actually been thinking about going to university in either Madrid or Barcelona", I tell him in all honesty. I actually haven't told many people that but with Jude it just feels so easy to tell, I guess.

"Why is Barcelona even in the selection?", he asks ripping me out of my thoughts.
"Before you start on how they are your rivals and shit just know that I grew up around Barcelona fans. Both my brothers and my dad are die hard fans", I explain, "And for me it doesn't have much to do with football. I've been to Barcelona before and I really enjoyed my time there."

"Well, maybe you just need someone to show you around Madrid", he says obviously talking about himself.
"If I really decide on moving there, you'll be the first to know, I promise", I chuckle.
"I better am", he returns making me chuckle even more. He continues to just look at me without saying anything.

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