chapter 25

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➪ focus - dior goodjohn


The next day:

Maëlys' pov:

Stepping out of the shower I quickly grab my robe and wrap it around my body. After walking up to my sink I start on my skincare. As I finish I then take my hair products and continue with my curls.
About fifteen minutes I'm all done with my after shower routine, including putting on some lotion. For now I've changed into some sweats before I make my way over to my closet to pick out an outfit.

After a few minutes of looking through my clothes I still can't find anything to wear, so I decide to call Amari and Kaya over facetime.
"Bitch, we've seen each other about half an hour ago. Are you already missing us?", Riri jokes after both my friends have picked up.
"I can't decide what I should wear for my date later. Help me please", I say ignoring her question.
"Of course we will. Show us what we're working with", Kai tells me with Amari nodding along.

I do as I'm told and show them my clothes that are definitely washed.
"Ugh, I've got like nothing to wear", I groan annoyed.
"Now let's just stay calm and take it one step at a time", Kai says, "Did you ask Jobe for a dress code or something?"
"I did, but he just said casual."
"Okay, well then we can rule out anything fancy. Start with pants. I guess jeans would be a safe bet", Amari says.

"Alright, are we thinking blue or bla-"
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god", Riri squeals interrupting me.
"What?", Kai wants to know.
"Jude fucking Bellingham just sent me a DM", Riri returns making both Kai and I gasp.
"What does it say?"
"Wait, I need to switch to Instagram. The notification doesn't show any exact words, you know."

"So it says 'Hi, you're Amari, right? I'm Jude. We met at the Liverpool game. Technically before that but you probably know what I mean'", Amari tells us a few moments later.
"I surprised actually texted you", I chuckle.
"What do you mean?", Riri questions.
"Well, when I was at Jobe's yesterday Jude asked me for your Insta add. I didn't think he'd actually have the guts to slide into your DMs though", I chuckle. I continue telling them yesterday's whole conversation with Jude.

"And this probably isn't my place to tell you, but you're my best friend so I don't care. He said, and I quote, 'I'm interested in her'", I say which makes Riri squeal again.
Both Kaya and me just laugh at her excitement.
"And Jobe was there too, which means he can confirm that", I add.

"So what are you going to text back?", Kai asks.
"Nothing, at least not yet. I don't want to look desperate and respond only a minute later. A woman needs to play hard to get every now and then", Riri shrugs.
I just laugh at her comment. That's once again a typical Riri move, playing hard to get before hardly knowing a guy. But that's just her and I love her for that.

"Let's just get back to your outfit, Lee. I'd say blue jeans and what about that red cardigan you bought when we went shopping last week? Put on a white crop top or something underneath and pare everything with your red campus 00s and you got yourself an outfit."
"Amari, you're a genius", I tell her before I take the clothes she mentioned from my closet.
I quickly set my phone down and change into the outfit.

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